Time Heals All Wounds

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Rimuru POV

Once Walpurgis had been dissolved, we helped in transporting all of those who were still unconscious before returning to Tempest to prepare for everyone to move to the other countries in case Michael decides to make his move.

"Iris, can you collate everything again while I bring Feiyun to the realm?" I requested as soon as we were back in my office, "I'll instruct everyone on the plan after that in a meeting."

"Understood, Lady Mother."

But before we could proceed, however, the door slammed open, and Rigurd rushed inside.

"I am so sorry for the sudden intrusion after you have just returned, Rimuru-sama! However, this is very important!" Rigurd exclaimed

It seems like he had rushed here after he sensed my return, seeing how he was panting, he must have run to reach here.

"What is it, Rigurd? Also, get something to drink. Why did you run?" I asked while Iris moved to grab a glass of water

"T-Thank you for your concern, my Lady, but this is very urgent..."

<Master, it seems that->

"Feiyun?! Is she here?!" A frantic voice called from outside the hallway

... Uh oh.

"Hua, hold on a minute! You can't just barge in here!" Kevin's voice called out

"It's already too late it seems..." Rigurd sighed in resignation

"... Thank you for the warning, Rigurd. You can step out once the hallway is clear." I instructed, holding in a sigh of my own

"Yes, my Lady..."

In a few seconds, Hua appears by the doorway and I stop Diablo and Shion from intercepting Hua while Kevin arrives beside her.

"It's been awhile, Hua!" I greeted her with a smile, "Please close the door behind you, Rigurd!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

Rigurd hurriedly bows and makes his exit, closing the door behind him as Hua finally sees Feiyun on Veldora's back.


Kevin sighed as Hua rushed up to Veldora to check on Feiyun as the man nervously fidgeted, taking glances at me.

"What happened, Elysia?" Hua asks right after her check, "I felt her anger through the <Soul Corridor> and now she's fainted?"

"Well..." I chuckled awkwardly, "It's going to be a long story but let's get her into my realm first. She can rest more there. Diablo, Shion-chan, you two will be busy from now on, so please get yourselves ready too."

""Yes, my Lady.""

"Iris, the meeting will be held tomorrow afternoon after lunch. Everyone involved should be present." I instructed

"Understood, Lady Mother."

I opened the door to the realm and signalled Hua and Kevin to follow us inside while the other three went off to settle their own matters. Once we arrived inside the cathedral, I pointed Veldora in the direction of a guest room.

"There's one guest room just down the hallway opposite the dining room. Just lay her there." I told him

"Got it."

I took Hua and Kevin to the common area and served some tea. Veldora entered the room just as I set some snacks on the table.

"She's out like a daylight." He shrugged and picked out one of the cookies in the bowl, plopping next to me, "And after all the trouble she created..."

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