Battle in Dwargon

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Third Person POV

With the illusion worn off and Feiyun's protection gone, everyone found themselves in a fierce battle with a bit of backup from Gadra, who arrived at the battlefield with his Demon Colossus. While it seemed like they had an upper hand after defeating the three knights that had followed Gladium.

"We still have to get back to Zamud. Hurry up and get up. This is no time to play around." Gladium ordered in a serious tone

Keith immediately removed the chain from Judah and with a quick snap of his wrist, threw it to Gabiru and pulled him back before a silver light pierced where he was standing.

"Hmph, so your ally saved you from my surprise attack. I guess you guys really aren't opponents to be trifled with." Barraga commented

After giving Keith a thankful nod, Gabiru huffed at his opponent, "Not to be trifled with? That's my line. How are you still in one piece after I put a big hole in your chest?"

The supposedly dead Barraga was alive again despite the giant hole still in his chest. He even made sure that he checked that the life signs of his opponent were gone, but this...

"Kukuku. I am safe because Gladium-sama has given me great power. Let me show you who I really am!" Barraga declared

A battle chimera that mimicked a Water Dragon flew into the battlefield in response to Barraga's cry. He was one of the Chimera Knights that awakened to his true powers and as long as his main body or his partner were unharmed, he would be safe. It was one of the powers of a Chimera Knight, and by activating the special Medical Skill <The Beast>, he was able to recover from his fatal wound in an instant. Furthermore, as soon as the two made contact, their bodies merged into one, though Barraga's form remained unchanged, dragon scales appeared on his body and the quality of his aura was different than before, no doubt an indication of his increased strength. Gabiru glanced at Barraga and decided that he was going to face him as his opponent, but Gladium suddenly stepped in.

"This lizard is stronger than expected. We'll kill him together." Gladium declared, completely ignoring Keith, who was standing behind Gabiru as a support

Barraga nodded, "Yes. I'll take the vanguard. Gladium-sama, please provide support."

"Very well. I'll help you, so don't skimp out!"

"What nonsense! Even if the two of you come at me together, you won:t be able to beat me!" Gabiru declared boldly

"I'm sorry, Gabiru-dono, I will provide support from behind. Without Aponia's help, it's harder to gather enough energy. Laplace will jump in if it gets dangerous!" Keith told him through the <Telepathy Net>

"Don't worry! I'll handle this!"

With this, Gabiru readied himself for a disadvantageous battle.


Gadra had arrived in the battlefield right after Feiyun released her powers, having been teleported into the battlefield after making a request to Rimuru. After crushing Gozarin with his Demon Colossus, he thought he had secured his victory until he heard Gladium's order and was surprised to see Gozarin standing again, though she no longer looked like a normal girl anymore with skin transformed into reddish-black magisteel that looked like a polished mirror.

"You... Have you assimilated with Lorelei?" Gadra asked with narrowed eyes

"Kishishishi, that's right. As expected of the wise Gadra-dono. You are well versed in otherworldly knowledge, but our approach is a bit different." Gozarin smirked

"Hmm, I see. That's interesting."

Gozarin nodded along with an evil smile, "Yes, I'm sure. I will show all its power to you, so let me know what you think!"

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