New Companions

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Rimuru POV

As soon as I returned to my office with Elle, a goblina attendant rushed up to me and gave me a respectful bow.

"Diablo-sama has returned with some strangers. He wishes to see you. What should we do?"

Ah, finally! I hope he's alright!

"I will meet them in the reception room, so summon them there." I commanded

She gives me another respectful bow and leaves my office.

"How unexpected. So many events on the same day." Elle noted, holding her little scepter under her as a sitting platform, "I can wait here and arrange the documents first since Shion-chan and Shuna-chan are busy today."

"Sure thing, Elle! Thank you!"

She waves me off with that assurance as I moved to the sturdy reception room and waited while two attendants served the tea and snacks. Then, someone approached the room.

"Rimuru-sama, I have returned!" Diablo announced happily

I looked over him, not a single injury in sight through analysis and I nodded inwardly in relief.

"Today, I have brought the people I had hoped to show Rimuru-sama. I couldn't be happier if Your Grace wished to see them." He said with a bow

Same old Diablo! It's a relief to see him well, though he still hasn't toned down on looking up to me like a God...

I nodded, "Sure, let them in."

As soon as I said this, three young girls entered the room. One in particular caught my attention, but I decided to save my questions for later. Diablo urged them to sit on the couch as they bowed to me and took a seat while I did the same.

"So these girls are your old friends, Diablo?" I asked while looking at the three girls and closed my eyes in thought while giving them a small smile, "Hm... They don't look too strong..."

<? Master, these->

I know, Raphael-san. Just watch~

I grinned when I felt dark auras beginning to emit from the three girls.

Good work, Diablo. You really did well.

"I'm just joking! Relax a little. It's our first time meeting, so I wanted to lift the mood a little." I finally opened my eyes, activating the eyes of my Herrscher forms while releasing <Herrscher's Might> for the first time to counter their auras, "I'm so glad to see that Diablo had such good friends! I heard that Demons like to make impressive displays, so I wanted to try something like this! All three of you disguised yourself so well that you almost seemed to be humans, but to think that you're all Archdemons! I'm thoroughly impressed by your concealing abilities!"

After that, I deactivated those powers and the <Absolute Defense> that I had covered the room with from the moment they entered. I didn't want anyone to detect this and barge in, after all. Diablo looked absolutely ecstatic while the three girls looked stunned by the display I gave them.

"Ahhh... Kufufufu, yes, as expected from Rimuru-sama! I told them to try their best to hide their race, yet you saw through it with such ease and even tested them like that!" Diablo exclaimed with ecstasy and shivered

Er... Maybe I took it too far, pulling out <Herrscher's Might> and stuff... I could have just gone with <Queen's Majesty>, but my playful self showed up!

"What about the others?" I asked

Diablo regained his composure enough to reply, "Only seven were worthy and the remaining are small fry. However, they are the subordinates of these people, so that's why I considered letting them join the honor of joining Rimuru-sama's ranks."

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