Approach of a Storm

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Rimuru POV

It's been a few days since Mei dropped into our world and she thankfully seemed to be adapting well to Tempest. She even held sparring sessions with Grandpa Hakurou and some others who were interested in her fighting skills.

I wish I could see her in action again myself! Hah...

On a side note, she still hasn't realized that she's a Herrscher of Origin yet. I plan to tell her once she is ready, so until then, I'll just keep this to myself.


Looking up from the document I was holding, I smiled upon seeing Mei at the door to my bedroom.

"What is it, Mei? Did you miss me while you were outside?" I asked, patting the empty space on my bed

She nods and takes a seat in the empty space.

"I just thought that it was a good idea to talk today. You mentioned before about wanting to hear my story."

"I was waiting for this!" I clapped my hands together excitedly

"Mm. I also wanted to tell you about the answer I've reached."

I nod and she begins narrating her story to me from the very beginning. I had already set my documents aside and listened to her closely, giving her reactions and comments on some parts of her story. I don't know how long it had been but by the end of it, I was giggling happily.

"Kiana is such a brave child! Just listening to Mei's description, I think she's so cute. And you fought with such a girl, Mei, you're bad!" I chided jokingly

"Mm, I know. So we have reconciled in earnest."

"Bronya is amazing too! Choosing to become a Herrscher... In our era, this is something that is unimaginable."

"That is also thanks to you." Mei smiles lightly

"I was just the beginning of the 1 percent. Look at your class monitor, 'Fu Hua'... such a long life, so many storms, can't be summed up by the name 'Hua'? Also, the Herrscher of Sentience... Hehe, I really want to meet her! As for the Herrscher of the Void, Herrscher of the Wind, Herrscher of Ice, Herrscher of Domination, including the Herrscher of Corruption... I'm sorry that they ended up on the opposite side of humanity in various forms..." I sighed regretfully

"But even their 'evil' and 'hate' come from the true nature of human nature. Compared with the Herrschers of that generation, they are no longer empty shells dominated by Honkai."

"Thank you for telling me this, and I am so happy to hear about the changes that the new generation has achieved. But, among all these stories, do you know which touched me the most, Mei?"

Mei crosses her arms, looking at me incredulously, "I don't think I'm going to hear any serious answers."

"Then I won't tell you~"

She smiles lightly, "I want to know. Tell me, Elysia."

"Hehe! The answer is... 'every paragraph'. Really, it's a long story."

"After all, it encompasses the entire 'Elysian Realm', doesn't it? 'Even if the future cannot be changed, I have to decide the process to get to that result myself. What matters is what I want to believe on this journey. That will determine what I get when I reach the end'. The message you left me, we are turning it into reality. Elysia."

There was a gentle smile on my face as I looked fondly at Mei.

"You've grown quite mature, Mei."

"Well, I didn't let you down, did I, Elysia-senpai?"

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