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Third Person POV

In the Eastern Empire, rumors began to stir. A possible war against the Great Forest of Jura and its rulers was on the horizon. The Empire was almost ready to strike. All they needed was their Emperor's permission.


Hua enters her shared housing with Kevin and Su as they gather around the dining table.

"The coast is clear for now." Kevin noted

Su nodded and took out the Divine Key he had been hiding all this time, although it was in the form of a leaf, it carried an unbelievable strength, and for today, it was being used to hide their current conversation.

"Okay, I've created a bubble around us. No spies should be able to hear us now." Su informed them

"Then let's get down to it. They are definitely declaring war against Tempest. We currently have three major Corps here: The Armored Corps, the Magic Beast Corps, and the Mixed Corps. For the Armored Corps, I'm a little surprised, but the Empire somehow managed to create heavy weaponry, like tanks. The Magic Beast Corps consists of all sorts of magic beasts the Empire has captured from around the world. They can manipulate those beasts and use their strength. The Mixed Corps is a little more complicated though. It's just recently formed by the new boy with non-standard mechanized troops and ferocious, uncontrollable beasts. Their strength is not one to scoff at." Kevin explained as detailed as possible

"The others aside, I am genuinely surprised with the progress they had made. I'm sure the Empire is the only place that could make such tanks. Even Dwargon's fortress-like kingdom wouldn't be able to withstand such a strike from one of them." Hua noted with a small hum

Su nodded in agreement, "All of these ideas were long implemented by the Archmage called Gadra, and he made good use of Otherworlders and their knowledge of other worlds too. I believe your student, Xin, was taken in by him too, Hua."

"Yes, I have heard about this Archmage once from him. He is also part of the Mixed Corps, which also has soldiers who awakened to their Unique Skills. But even I have to admit that Gadra is smart to implement such things. No one would think to oppose the Empire with such forces. They want to go up against the Storm Dragon too. In addition, Tempest also has..." Hua trailed off, biting her lip, "... 'her'. No matter the forces, I don't think anything can stand up against a Herrscher without prior knowledge."

"I agree. We shall use this war in our favor then. As one of the hundred Imperial Guardians, I do have a few protege Imperial soldiers that I want to save, though." Su adds

Kevin nodded before looking over to Su with a resigned expression, "I remember your rank being 35 before, Su. So how in the world did you rise to 15 in a span of a few months?"

Su chuckled before answering him, "Some idiots decided to try attacking me while my guard was 'down'. Rank battles are official with witnesses, so..."

"I see..."

"Hua. I heard that the new boy tried to battle you, and you put him in his place immediately. But why did you allow him to advance to become a Corps Commander?" Kevin questioned

"It was..." Hua pondered the right words, "... just a feeling I had. He had a weird aura around him, but I have a feeling that he could bring a change to the Empire. I'm not sure either, but it's a gut feeling."

"Is that so...?"

Hua nodded, "That's why I let him become the new Corps Commander of the Mixed Corps."

Kevin shrugged after a few moments, "Well, whatever happens with him is not our problem."

Both nodded in agreement to his words before turning to the next topic.

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