The Beginning of Chaos

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Third Person POV

The two sides clashed. Leon's master, Silvia, had the highest Ultimate Skill out of the weather system skills, <Thunder King, Indra>. This made her stronger than Tear and Footman, but still, she could tell that she was not as strong as Feldway. It would still be difficult to turn the tables though, now that Leon was under the control of the enemy. She had taught him how to separate his mind from his skill but even that was a last resort since it might cause him to lose his skill, which was something that Obera did to break free from Michael's control.

"Well, it's all up to Leon-kun. He was a very good pupil, but I think it's still a 50/50 chance whether or not he will succeed..."

It was a bad wager but there was no other way. If there was nothing she could do but complain, then she would just be prepared and do her best.

"You two, stick to supporting me!" Silvia called out to Alrose and Claude before turning to Laplace (who seemed familiar to her), "And the clown over there! Your opponent is-"

Her comment was cut off by Yuuki, "It's me. If I don't work once in awhile, I'll lose my reputation."

"Eh, wait! Are you serious, boss?!" Laplace exclaimed while Yuuki launched a kick but even if the battle had started, he didn't forget to introduce himself, "I am a clown, but my name is Laplace!"

"You're still dangerous, Laplace. There's still plenty left in you, so I'll be your opponent as well as Yuuki-sama." Kagali said while going up to support Yuuki

"That's not fair! I mean, are you trying to make me cry?!" Laplace cried out in dismay

Leon walks up to Silvia, "Well, it looks like you're my opponent, Master Silvia. But I don't want to point my sword at you. Won't you come to our side?"

"You know, Leon-kun. You were the one who called me here, remember?"

Leon nods, "Yes. So, by all means, become an ally-"

Silvia cuts him off with a laugh, "I don't think we should talk. Because I don't want Leon-kun to resent me. If I cooperate with Leon-kun now, he'll complain about it later when he comes to his senses. You have a girl you like, don't you? How do you think she'd feel if she saw Leon-kun right now?"

Leon's heart wavered when asked that question but he quickly regained his cool composure.

"That's a silly question. After Feldway-sama's wish is granted, I will have what I want. And I'm sure she'll be waiting for me until then." Leon said

Silvia turns serious upon hearing that, "Are you sure about that...? ... Oh well. Just don't cry if she rejects you."

After hearing this, Leon twitched, though no one noticed that. The battle restarted again with the sides changed.

"Footman, Tear! Support Leon. And while you're at it, take care of those deadbeats!" Kagali ordered

Laplace was on the ropes against Yuuki. He had two Unique Skills. <Falsifier> allowed him to interfere with his opponent's perception to help him launch an illusionary attack.

"I can't match up to that crazy girl, though..." He lamented as he recalled the Eruption that Feiyun created back in Dwargon

Then, he had <Future Vision>, a trump card that allowed him to see a few seconds into the future. These two skills were the reason why Laplace was the strongest within the Moderate Clown Troupe but against Yuuki and Kagali, he was still struggling. No matter what he threw at Yuuki, his <Future Vision> only showed him failures as <Falsifier> also doesn't work on Yuuki.

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