Settling Down

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Rimuru POV

When I received the report on the situation at Dwargon, it seems like Carrion and Frey had come to help as well by Milim's orders. But because Feiyun had blocked off that entire forested area, they couldn't join the battle until Feiyun had essentially 'passed the spotlight' back to the others. After defeating some tough enemies, those two were now undergoing evolutionary sleep. As for Laplace...

"Okay, please explain!" Laplace shouted as I quickly set up a soundproof barrier, "We went in there for President and the others and came back empty handed?!"

"I would like to hear the reason too, Rimuru-sama." Keith said from beside him, "What is the 'truth' you were looking for? And why was there a need to use such a method?"

"Well, just calm down first. I heard from Diablo that even if you guys had tried to rescue them, there were adversaries in the way. Namely someone called Vega, Yuuki himself, and Feldway. Feldway is way too dangerous." I explained

I went on to tell them about what went on inside the Sanctuary as they took in the information with widening eyes and surprised gasps.

"No way... The Emperor was never the real one?!"

"That's... a lot to take in." Keith muttered

I nod, "You guys have worked hard. Use this banquet to rest first. Everyone is exhausted and Keith, you need to recuperate your strength from using Judah."

"... Understood." Keith sighed a little before recalling something, "Oh, yes. The Oath of Judah turned into someone... odd. Then she said something about the 'Great Lady Herrscher'. This was what was left after it turned back to normal."

He handed me a familiar black feather and my eyes lit with recognition, "This is..."

"You might need to investigate this, Rimuru-sama. If this is actually Feiyun-dono's feather..." Keith trailed off

I nodded in understanding, "Okay, I got it. Thank you, Keith."

I waved the two off with mixed feelings and looked for my executives in the banquet hall. There was something urgent that some of them had to report. Dino's betrayal, the invasion of the Seraphs, Masayuki's attempted assassination, Velgrynd's appearance, the control over Chloe, and the work everyone involved and the Herrschers put in to defend the labyrinth once again.

"Is Chloe doing okay?" I asked

Shuna nods in reply, "There are no problems. She reverted to her child form and is conscious. She's just resting in the infirmary for now, just in case."

That's a relief... I'll visit her tomorrow since she's asleep right now.

I heard that Velgrynd was currently with Masayuki and the Imperial Commanders to discuss their plans for the future. With Kondou and the others there, it should be safe to assume that they will be okay for now.

"And I'm glad Ramiris is okay too." I added

"It was nothing. But then again, that Dino really didn't seem to want to do anything to me, but it would have been awful if I had actually left the labyrinth. Why? If I really got serious, then I could have knocked him down with all forty-eight of my special moves!" Ramiris boasted

Treyni went up to her and began praising her, boosting her ego as I focused my attention on Vesta, who was sullen in the corner.

"I am so sorry, Rimuru-sama. It was poor supervision on my part. I never thought that Dino-kun would betray us..." Vesta lamented

"It's okay, Vesta! You don't have to worry about that! Dino has always been acting weird anyway." I assured him, "Besides, I don't think Dino even wanted to betray us from the beginning."

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