The Various Events

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Rimuru POV

The meeting went pretty smoothly. All I had expected from Youm and the others to do was guiding the people of Farmenas to evacuate and not to fight. The magic transfer circle cannot transfer a large amount of people so they needed to decide who would use it beforehand. I asked to coordinate it well so that there wouldn't be any conflicts. Since the destination wasn't necessarily safe, they would dispatch troops instead of evacuating important people. If Farmenas ever became a battlefield, the newly established Knights would respond to the situation. Grucius has apparently been training the knights from the new recruits, including the old Falmuth knights, though they are not enough to fight. So arrangements were made to send reinforcements from other countries.

It would have been easy if we had placed them from the beginning, but since we didn't know where the enemy would aim for first, so we needed to be able to move them in any way. After considering the importance, it was decided that the Kingdom of Farmenas would be postponed. Even if this kingdom is lost, it can still be rebuilt. As long as human casualties were kept to a minimum, there was no need to force the war.

It was difficult to tell Youm and the others about this, but I explained this to them and they agreed. Of course, I promised to support them as much as possible by carrying out reconstruction projects in the worst case scenario.

"I know. It's not like Madam has abandoned us." Youm said in understanding

"Still, there are only about fifty people that can go at a time with the magic transfer circle. It's not really a reassuring number." I said with a small sigh

"Normally, we're supposed to protect our country on our own. And since you've been so considerate, I don't want anything more!" He grinned as he directed these words to the ministers who looked like they wanted to complain

Hearing this from him, I was reassured once again that everything was going to turn out fine. I understand the ministers' frustrations, they didn't want to sacrifice their people and they wanted us to help but we couldn't afford it either unless necessary (for the sake of the world's balance and probably sanity). With this, the business in the Kingdom of Farmenas ended successfully.


After that, I went to various places with Youm's guidance. The main part of it was the construction site which had been progressing well. Thanks to Mjurran and Razen, underground passages were being built, though it was meant for the magitrain, the construction was going to be suspended so that those underground passageways can be used for evacuation sites. The ceilings were even reinforced with magic so that it could withstand a large magic explosion. With enough food and water resources, it would be a great bomb shelter. I heard that this was all simply done by using magic to check the geological structure of the ground.

Magic is really amazing...

The passage that we were currently in is an underground passage that led to the basement of the royal castle, so they were well prepared.

'We've got city defense barriers in place, and we've got evacuation drills going on. As soon as we spot an enemy, we can escape immediately." Youm explained

"So that's why the ministers never make any unreasonable demands." I noted

Youm nodded, "Yeah, that's why. Besides, I won't tolerate anyone who says anything stupid. I told them to quit their jobs and get out of the castle if they just want to whine."

Back when we first met, he wasn't really like this. Youm has grown up since then.

Once we headed up to the surface, we went to the training grounds next. I was allowed to see the strength of the new Kingdom of Farmenas' Knights trained by Grucius. There were 500 knights of Rank B and above, and 3,000 knights of Rank C and below. Gathering all of the knights from all over Farmenas would give them a total of more than 40,000 knights. But there was no point in gathering such a large number at this point of time, so they were giving priority to maintaining security.

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