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Rimuru POV

I looked up at the sky, where Veldora and Luminas were still having their aerial battle, or rather a one-sided one with Veldora apologizing profusely for his past mistake. To protect everyone below, I used the <Absolute Defense> from the <Covenant King, Uriel> to create a barrier to protect them.

It's rather convenient... I wonder what would happen if I could combine it with the Origin Barrier from Zeroth:Origin's power?

<I shall work on a formula for that.>

Ah! Thank you, Raphael-san! How's the analysis of Hinata's <Melt Slash>? I know we took a sample of that with <Beelzebub> when I canceled the attack with Beginning's power.

<Answer. The erratic movements of Spiritrons have been analyzed and I have successfully recognized their random phases. Now they can be blocked successfully the next time Master faces an opponent who uses it.>

I see! I'm glad to hear that! When you had asked me to absorb a part of it, I was worried that something might go awry, but you're my reliable partner, so I trust you fully, Raphael-san!

<Negative. I exist solely for Master's sake.>

I'm serious! It's thanks to you that I made it this far! I am glad to have you with me, Raphael-san!

<... Thank you.>

Sitting on a tree stump that Beni had cut in his fight with Arnaud, I let out a sigh.

"You're not thinking of helping him, are you?" Mei asks with crossed arms and an incredulous stare

"No... I think." I mumbled, looking up at the sky again, "Yeah... Maybe not."

"Don't spoil him. He needs to learn that you can't help him out of his own troubles all the time."

"I know..."

I decided to turn my attention to Hinata and the other Knights as she told them the truth, having no other choice in the matter since Veldora practically exposed Luminas's secret right in front of them.

"Our long-time foe, Demon Lord Valentin, is a fake Demon Lord, and the real one is our God, Luminas...? Haha... Ridiculous." Arnaud gaped disbelievingly 

"It's the truth. I apologize for deceiving you." Hinata bows to them apologetically

"Hinata-sama... Did you choose to ignore it despite knowing it?" Leonard asks

"That's right. Although it is a controlled peace, Luminas-sama has pledged not to sacrifice the people." Hinata nods, replying to his question

Well, I can't blame them for being shocked about the revelation. They were meant to be fighting monsters to defend the vulnerable but in actual truth, they were just carrying out a scheme created by those on top. I'd like to have a talk with Hinata and Luminas, but... I'll probably leave that for later.

"Souei, could you inform Rigurd about this? I'd like to show them around town later." I requested, looking back at Souei


He disappeared into the shadows in an instant as I looked back at Hinata's group.

"I, Arnaud, will not be deceived. God Luminas- No, Demon Lord Luminas threatened you-"

"Wrong. Although I had no choice but to follow her after my defeat, I have continued to do so because I share her philosophy. It's because, with Luminas-sama's benediction, Lubelius is a peaceful country, free of conflict. That is the truth. That's why, Arnaud..." Hinata glares at the man, "I will not allow you to speak ill of Luminas-sama."

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