Information Gathering

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Rimuru POV

Teleporting us to Floor 70, we made our way to the area the Imperial Army was at. Adalman's Harvest Festival had begun but his castle was still destroyed, so he is currently still sleeping in the guest room of the main building along with Albert and Wenti. Shion and Diablo were already aware of my plan and were waiting for me at the teleportation point of Floor 70 before walking together with us.

"So, Diablo, did you get a new skill like you wanted?"

"Kufufufu! Thanks to Rimuru-sama, I have succeeded in acquiring an Ultimate Skill! Finally, I don't have to put up with Guy's annoying boasting!" Diablo chuckled with joy

"If you were annoyed, then you should have tried to gain it earlier. Why did you need Lady Mother's help?" Iris asked with an incredulous stare

Diablo shook his head, "No, that's not how it works. If Guy told me to get it, it would look like I was copying him, which would be awkward."


"Is that really the problem...?" Feiyun grumbled

"Hmph. Diablo is narrow-minded. Didn’t the saying go, 'hearing is a temporary shame, not hearing is a lifetime shame'? Since Rimuru-sama taught me that, I always listen to what others have to say. Gobuichi-dono also taught me the essence of cooking, and now I am fully licensed!" Shion proudly declared

Diablo scoffs, "Is that the reason? Last time, Gobuichi-dono was hospitalized. It is only natural for him to get sick if he has to deal with Shion's cooking all the time."

Oh dear... Poor Gobuichi. I'll have to tell Beni to speak to her again.

We finally arrived at the campsite of the Imperial Army and a soldier spotted us immediately. The others stood up and saluted me, to my surprise.

"Is this normal as enemies?" Feiyun asked while looking at me

I don't think so...

"Her Majesty Rimuru is here! Contact Calgurio-sama immediately!"

There was a flurry of activity as the soldiers lined up to form a single path to a tent. Apparently, Calgurio and his men were having a military meeting there, so we were led into it. Inside the tent, a hundred soldiers stood erect and saluted to welcome me.

"Ah, it's good to see all the top brass in here." I said as a small greeting


They all bowed their heads to me but it was hard for us to talk that way so I got them to sit back down first before I got down to business.

"Please relax. I just want to talk to everyone today." I assured them, "Adalman is attending some business, so he won't be able to come back here for awhile. I was just wondering if you had any requests."

"You are too kind to say so. We have been well taken care of, so please do not worry about the likes of us." Calgurio answered in a stiff manner

Is it that hard for them to converse in a relaxed manner?

"That's good to hear. On the matter of the future..."

"Yes! On that point, we have a request for you as well..." Calgurio paused as I gave him a nod to continue, "We would like to ask for your kindness and cooperation to see if your country can accommodate us for the time being..."

"May I know the reason?"

Their explanation was shocking. Apparently, the Emperor's plan (that they summarized with what they knew and understood) was to create Awakened humans in this war. No matter how many men would be sacrificed, as long as even one awakened due to this and returned, it would be fine. However, if it was the opposite result, there was a chance that they wouldn't be accepted back into the Empire or worse, execution would await those who would try to end this war.

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