A Smooth Discussion

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Rimuru POV

Though we did go on a tangent due to Raine's shenanigan, we still obtained good information from her. For now, this was the summary of the battles that went on outside.

Vega, who was supposed to be part of Yuuki's friends, seems to have gained power and become much more powerful. Ranga intervened just as Misora and the others were in danger, and somehow managed to fight him off but Vega had eaten the enemy named Oria, the one that Kumara defeated, and rapidly healed his injuries and even improved his fighting ability.

We don't know the exact numbers but if we compare only the existence values, it seems like he is stronger than both Ranga and Kumara. He apparently had a vulgar character, flattering to the strong and intimidating to the weak. However, he also seemed to have excellent survival instincts, having survived to this point and acquiring great power, despite all the odds.

Hm... Such an opponent is troublesome. We will have to keep our eyes peeled for him.

Incidentally, Oria is apparently able to create mythical-grade equipment with her own Skill. Unlike Velgrynd, Oria seems to only materialize her weapons, but they didn't disappear when she was eaten by Vega. This was the testimony of Fran and Kizona, the Knight Captains under Leon, and after checking with Kumara, it seems to be correct. This means that Vega must have inherited the <Weapon Creation> Skill. It would be dangerous if we don't do something so I made sure to come up with a contingency plan for such a troublesome man.

The warrior whom Souei defeated by surprise was named Arios, but he had escaped before he could be finished off. It may seem to be a rare mistake for Souei, but it was unavoidable after hearing his story. After all, there was a user of <Instantaneous Movement> on the enemy side. Kahn also testified to this. It was not magic, but a Skill. The ability to jump through space without any preliminary movement was a little troubling because it is difficult to measure the strength numerically. If she had mastered this Skill, we might get caught off guard. It was good that we had found out in advance that there was such a fighter on the enemy's side. The girl's name was Mai Furuki.

We'll have to take her skill into account when planning our strategy then.

So far, these named four were the weakest of the enemies, but they had still given us quite a bit of trouble.

Some of them, for example, Raine's drinking buddies, Pico and Gracia, had been reluctant to follow, but it seems that Michael's <Ultimate Dominion> had turned them into our enemies. I'm sure Ciel would be able to do something about it, but it would require a certain procedure. There was still the possibility that the control could be broken by one's own will, so we would have to carefully assess the enemy. And then there were the serious enemies.

Velzard, Zalario, and Feldway. There was no other word to use for them but 'threatening'. I had fought Feldway, but it seemed like he wasn't taking it seriously so I might actually leave him to Diablo.

"So, Guy, is Velzard going to be okay?" I asked

Guy clicks his tongue, "Damn brat, you didn't even come to help. You're talking as if you're somebody else..."

"Not at all! I can't interfere in a lover's quarrel!" I chuckled

"Quit screwing around!" He shouted before calming down quickly, "Well, you're not completely out of your mind. It feels like she's full of pent-up resentment, and her main goal is to harass me. Normally, I'd create an 'alternate space' and fight there, but even I can't control Velzard. It doesn't matter if she agrees to it, it's impossible for me to impose something of my own convenience onto her."

Well, considering how strong she must be, I'd reckon that barrier he used back in Walpurgis wouldn't have worked anyway.

"Then Guy will have the hardest role here..." I sighed forlornly, ignoring Guy's protest, "Since it's too much for us, we'll have to let Guy handle this!"

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