Side Story: Shenanigans of the Ruler

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Benimaru POV

Tempest is peaceful today too. It was as if the past battles that happened before were non-existent and our nation has now become a place where trades are happening everywhere, nobles coming in and out for visits, and new immigrants are joining the nation in order to make a living or enjoy their daily lives.

Ever since Rimuru-sama became a Demon Lord, it has been easier rounding up rowdy individuals that dared to make a mess in the nation, but there are still some who try to test their luck.

Today was no exception. Just as I thought about the peace in the nation, there was a sudden uproar on the Eastern side of Tempest. It was a daylight robbery. It wasn't hard to find the culprit, but someone else was already up to the task.


The dull sound of a whip hitting the robber resounded loudly as he recoils from the sudden hit and falls flat to the ground.

That has got to hurt.

Feiyun landed on the ground softly and sighed while picking up the bag of coins that were stolen, "... Right, you are under arrest for daylight robbery. If you resist, I will have to arrest you the hard way."

She returns the coin bag to the victim and hoists the unresisting robber onto her weapon... Rather, a giant sheath holding multiple weapons.

How does she even keep those and where did she get that from...?

"Alright, we're going. Make one wrong move and I'm handcuffing you."

With that warning, the robber nodded and they flew off to the jailhouse, probably for interrogation first.

Also, doesn't handcuffing come first? Oh well, she is a powerful Herrscher, so there's no point worrying about that. I better go meet Rimuru-sama first.

I continued my walk to the Central Office and upon arriving, I knocked on the door to Lady Rimuru's office before opening it.

"Excuse me, Rimuru-sama."

I paused in my steps and looked around the empty room. Lady Rimuru was nowhere to be found, but I did see a piece of paper left on the coffee table. I leaned down to read its contents.

Whoever finds this note, do let my executives know that I am safe. I just hid my presence for the time being. If you are one of my executives, then let's play a game~

I let out a small, resigned sigh while grinning, So she's in one of those moods again. What is she up to this time?

I flipped the paper to find a hint and as expected, she did write something else on the back.

Find my favorite song and you might find another hint!

A rather short but obvious hint. I set the paper down and the door suddenly opens to reveal Shion and Diablo.

"Huh? Where's Rimuru-sama?" Shion asks

"I thought you two might know as her secretaries..." I mumbled before explaining the situation

Shion listened with an excited grin on her face while Diablo hummed in thought.

"So we are playing a game Rimuru-sama created? Then let's do this!" Shion declared

"I am curious about this 'game'. I shall join in too. To think Rimuru-sama could conceal her presence this perfectly... Even I am amazed." Diablo sighed in awe

Souei suddenly joins us after jumping out of my shadow, "The hint seems to be pointing to the opera house."

I nodded in agreement, "That does seem to be the case. Let's go then."

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