Dwelling of Spirits

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Rimuru POV

The night after, I accepted the invitation for a dinner with Mjollmile and under his name, he had reserved an entire bar that was the most expensive in the capital for the night. I couldn't help but laugh helplessly as I saw the price list though... I could only hope my mask covered my expression...

"Are you enjoying yourself, Rimuru-dono?" Mjollmile asks, approaching my table

"Yes, very much so! Thank you!"

"Good. That's good." He chuckles

With <Magic Perception>, I was able to overhear some of the servers talking about me and Mjollmile.

Hm, so he's the shop manager...

"Sorry, I guess it would be better if I had come in my adult form." I whispered to him

"Oh, it's nothing. What's important is that you've hidden your identity." He whispers back before turning to the servers and ladies around us, "Leave us."

As soon as we were left alone, we decided to talk about some business.

"Okay, let's talk about the potions first. You lost quite a bit from that encounter with the dragon. I can reimburse you for what you have used on the injured and you can distribute them without worry." I started

"Hm... I see you prioritize publicity over sales. But I will pay for those potions in full. It was my decision to use them, after all." He said

"Oh, come on! Don't be shy just because I saved you!"

"Although I'm grateful for that, it is not the reason why I'm holding back. I simply want to invest in you. If Tempest were to become the heart of trade in the near future, it would be in my best interest to get along with its master. Is that not a better reason?" Mjollmile stated the facts with a grin

Wow... Truly a businessman! He takes whatever opportunity he can get to earn some money! How cheeky!

"... I think so too!" I grinned, lifting my mask a little as he returned his own grin, "I look forward to doing business with you!"

"Same here. I'll be in your care!"

After a few more minutes of conversation, Mjollmile left me to enjoy myself and I decided just to look around. There were so many pretty ladies and handsome men here...

Huh? Isn't that...

It was the fortune-telling dark elf that I met back in the bar at Dwargon.

What is she doing here? She's heading straight for me... It can't be... I had never used my human form in front of her before...

"I'd like to talk to you alone, Slime-san." The elf whispers into my ear


We moved over to a seat away from the crowd.

"How did you know it was me?" I finally asked

"Haha, elf's intuition or something like that." She replies

"Oh! I see! But I never thought I could see you outside of Dwargon."

"Unlike the others, I'm a bit of a traveler. Although I do help out at that Dwarven shop, I don't work exclusively for them." She explains to me

"A traveler, huh... Hey, do you ever visit your hometown? It's still an ongoing plan, but I wish to be able to build a bar for elves too. We have one for Goblinas right now, but you know, we need a range." I explained

"Oh? How straightforward. Well, my hometown is on the outskirts of Sorcerer's Dynasty Sarion. It's a small village right on its borders."

Sarion... It was in one of the books I read. If I'm correct, it's an elven nation.

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