The Conclusive Meeting

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Rimuru POV

The next day, the meeting began after the lunch break and the participants were as follows:

- The five rulers of the countries that support the Four Nations: Myself, King Gazel, Youm, Mjurran, and King Dolam

- Mollie, the nominated representative that was approved by four of us (excluding Mjurran)

- Hinata, representing the Western Saints Church

- The Chairman of the Western States Council, Chancellor Leicester

- The rest were carefully selected members from various countries, numbering about thirty members

We are currently all gathered in this conference room. Veryard participated as the secretary and Cien, who is the moderator, stepped forward.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for taking time out of your busy schedules to join us here today. Well then, let us begin at once. Allow me to start by explaining the crisis that will occur in the near future..."

Cien explained everything that the five rulers already knew and the plans for the future to the others in the room while I added my own explanation along the way before Cien concludes everything.

"... And so, Demon Lord Rimuru-sama has won the war against the Empire, but a new enemy, Michael, has emerged." Cien finishes the explanation

"And this Michael is leading the angels?" Leicester muttered

"It's the Tenma Great War. I didn't think the 500-year cycle of disasters would happen during my lifetime..." Another participant mumbles

I raised my hand to speak so that I could clear some misunderstandings, "As I've just mentioned, the enemy's goal is to revive Veldanava. We have speculated methods but are not fully proven yet. More importantly, we don't know when the war will happen but we think that it will be soon. However, Michael is a long-lived species. It could be tomorrow, it could be in a few years or even a few decades. With that in mind, I do hope that you will all cherish your daily lives while preparing for Michael's attack at any time. This is why I only want the leadership to know about this fact. I hope that you will cooperate with us with that in mind."

There were some around the table that groaned loudly while the rest remained quiet. After a few more seconds of silence, Hinata spoke up.

"The Western Saints Church pledges its full support."

"Well, that makes sense. The development plans being hurriedly carried out by the Western Nations were preparations for that, weren't they?" Leicester asks

Cien nodded, "That is correct. Everything is as Rimuru-sama wills it."

"The important thing is to prepare in advance, which makes sense. I understand. I personally do not have the authority to interfere in the policies of other countries, but I can suggest evacuation drills as a possible solution. I'd be happy to help." Leicester finally said

"Indeed. I am only a member of the council, but back home I am a marquis. I will advise the king and have my people trained." Another councilor spoke up

"That's very good. I will cooperate!"

What a relief... I really thought they won't be able to make a decision so quickly but I'm glad that isn't the case.

"Hohoho. Your Majesty Rimuru seems to be worried about the Council's decision, but you can rest assured, because there is no one who can stand against Testarossa-dono." Leicester said with a light laugh

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