Final Battle in the Capital

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Third Person POV

Su returns to Hua's side and puts up a barrier with the Seed of Sumeru to isolate them from the battles that might go crazy soon and crouch to check on Feiyun.

"Has she not shown any signs of waking yet?" Su asks

Hua shakes her head, "Her energy flow feels normal and there's nothing abnormal inside her when I checked the <Soul Corridor>. It happened when..."

"I know. I felt the sudden instability in time as well." Su said and put a hand on Feiyun's forehead, "Let me check if I can 'see' anything. Can you assist me, Hua?"

Hua nods and activates Fenghuang Down, letting Su check on Feiyun in the deepest depths of her mind.

"Her skill... Wait, when did this happen? Her Ultimate Skill has been tampered with. In fact, it's stronger than before. I knew that she had done something to Masayuki but this result... Did Elysia do something? When? ... The instability in time... During those few times time fluctuated, it happened then. Which means..."

Su sighs in relief, "She will be fine. I suppose she simply couldn't understand what was happening either and fell asleep after activating her skill."

"Eh?! Fell asleep?!" Pardofelis exclaimed

"I assume it's a small side effect, so don't worry too much." Su assured them

"Then all that's left to worry about is Feldway and Vega." Kondou concluded as he turned to the battlefield, "That Vega was troublesome but you acknowledged his strength before, Damrada."

"Yes, I did. He is indeed very capable but right now, he cannot defeat me so I shall leave him to those ladies." Damrada explained, "After all, I received the order from Rudra to continue protecting you guys."

"Well, I guess it's fine. Feldway is the most threatening here. Will the barrier hold if he aims his attacks here?" Kondou asks

"This barrier is more for isolation. If it's an attack that it won't be able to handle, I'll transport everyone away immediately." Su explained

"Then let's reinforce it, just in case."

Damrada nodded in agreement as both of them focused their energy on strengthening the barrier. On Vega's side, two women stood against him. Testarossa was smiling bewitchingly while Hinata smiled coldly.

"I'm going to finish him off, so would you mind keeping him occupied for awhile?" Testarossa requested

Hinata nods, "Yes, of course. He seems to be difficult to kill with just a sword, and widespread annihilation magic cannot be used in the Royal Capital, so let's share the work."

With this in mind, Testarossa stepped back and began searching for the range of influence of the power that Vega had activated, activating her detection spell carefully so that she could kill him seriously. Hinata stepped forward to face him in the meantime.

"Oh hey, what happened to my buddy Damrada and the other bastard?" Vega asks

"They have gone back." Hinata replied simply

"Hm, I see. They looked like they were going to do some damage, but they're not my enemy. Neither are you guys. You got carried away just because you beat my Evil Dragon Spawns, but let me give you a reality check." Vega boasted

{What a cheeky bastard. But hold yourself back too, Hinata. You just awakened so don't overwork yourself.}

"I know, Corrie. I'll just take a careful approach then."

"If you think that's the case, then better not underestimate me or you'll regret it." Hinata warned him

Hinata could see that Vega was a very powerful opponent, and normally, she would try to instigate things from the start, but she understood that it would be ridiculous for her to do that now. The right thing to do was to win and show her strength. As soon as their exchange was over, Vega moved, choosing to use his greatly increased strength and speed to confront Hinata head on. His stiff arm destroyed an object with a shock wave even though it had not been touched. The same went for his kicks. His entire body had become an incarnation of destruction that surpassed that of strategic weapons, and was causing extraordinary damage to those around him. If it weren't for the <Material Area>, the capital would have been reduced to ashes in a matter of minutes. Normally, exposed to such tyranny, Hinata would have been in trouble. Right now, her existence value had increased significantly, but Vega's rate of increase was even greater. The difference was more than tenfold, and he even possessed an Ultimate Skill. Even though Granbell had awakened her as a Hero and Herrscher, Vega was still too dangerous for Hinata. And yet, Hinata was unfazed.

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