Tempest's Rage

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Benimaru POV

As soon as I arrived near the clearing of the forest with Kalpas, I saw my target. A crystal-like device that was being protected by Knights from the Western Saints Church.

Pathetic. To use such an underhanded method and then massacre our people. You have made them and our Lady go through immense suffering. For that...

I drew my sword, applying <Black Flame> onto its blade.

"Remember her words, Kalpas-dono." I reminded the man beside me

"Heh, don't need to remind me twice."

When the Knights took notice of us strolling in, they immediately took defensive positions.

"It's no use!"

With that yell, I sliced and burned every single Knight that was in this camp, not giving them time to react to my attack. I looked over to the other side of the battlefield and cringed inwardly at the bloody, mangled mess of bodies Kalpas had left behind when my back was turned. When I say mess, it was truly a mess. He tore every single Knight in his sight limb by limb with his bare hands. They suffered immense pain before finally dying I suppose.

"Ugh... I can see why you were told to hold back..." I grimaced

"Oh, shut up." He scoffed while burning the bodies

Within a minute, the one-sided fight was settled and I destroyed the device, continuing to let my flames burn longer while thinking back to my conversation with Lady Rimuru.

I can only hope that it really doesn't come down to that.

Pushing these thoughts aside, I held out my hand to the flames, extinguishing them with a clench of my fist.

"Well then... I trust no one is pathetic enough to actually need help?" I scoffed and I hear Kalpas chuckling as soon as he heard it


Third Person POV

On the South of the Prison Field deployment camp, Knights were being attacked by Gabiru and his army of Dragonewts, attempting to block them with shields.

"Hurry up with Anti-Aerial Defense Field! Th-These aren't your average Lizardmen!"

"Gwahahaha! That's right, we are Dragonewts!" Gabiru howled

"D-Dragonewts?! Enough with your jokes! There can't be this many higher species gathering like this!"

"This is no joke. My name is Gabiru. But there is no need for you to remember it unless you want something to think about in hell!" Gabiru declares

In an instant, the knights were all eliminated and Gabiru destroyed the device with his spear while his fellow Dragonewts cheered his name.

"Heh! Look how clever and capable I am... The day of my promotion is surely close at hand." Gabiru proudly declared, puffing his chest out

"The reason Gabiru-sama's sister Souka doesn't respect him is because he keeps saying things like that."


"Ha ha ha, just don't tell him that. His desire for glory and prestige is meant to ensure that none overlook us again. He is the model of a good superior officer."

"But I would understand why people would be more infatuated with the way Souei-sama silently goes about his business without bragging."


"A-Aren't you on my side?!" Gabiru cried out as his three subordinates continued their line of conversation


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