The Impromptu Meeting

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Rimuru POV

I took a glance at Veldora once and then at the girl sitting beside Guy, blinking slowly while processing what he had said.

He called her his sister, so... She's also a True Dragon, huh?

"It's a pretty big deal to call me over, Rimuru. But I guess thanks to that, I managed to see an amusing 'show'." Guy started with a smile, though I could see his lips twitching a little


I took a few moments to think about his words before my eyes widened slightly, looking over to Diablo, who still looked very proud about something, and then back at Guy again.

Don't tell me Diablo showed...

<... A very high possibility. I would not put it past him to not 'show Master off' to Demon Lord Guy.>

... Uh huh... Anyway, that beautiful girl looks like Milim. Well, I shouldn't be surprised. If she's Veldora's niece and this is his sister...

"It's been awhile, Guy! And this is..." I trailed off, looking at the girl again

Taking this as a signal, Guy nodded and introduced her, "This is the first time you've seen each other. I'll introduce you. This is Veldora's sister, Velzard. Her other name is the Frost Dragon, so you'll have to remember them both."

"Nice to meet you, Demon Lord Rimuru-sama. My name is Velzard. I wanted to say hello to you since my brother seems to be in your care." Velzard greeted me politely with an elegant smile

As expected of a True Dragon... Her presence is pretty strong. While Veldora has managed to control his aura, she's controlling hers as naturally as breathing.

"Hello, Velzard-san. My name is Rimuru. I am a Demon Lord. Veldora has always been a great help!" I returned a greeting, catching an incredulous stare from Veldora beside me before he returned his attention to the two in front of us

"Oh dear, you're so modest."

She seemed pleased by my greeting and we continued to introduce ourselves respectively. The other two girls that Guy brought were the maids he had brought with him at Walpurgis back then, Mizeri and Raine. It seems like they were also Primordials but serves Guy. Shuna and the other servers brought in tea, remaining professional and were unaffected by the powerhouses inside the room. After a few seconds of indulging in the sweet chamomile tea, I brought up the main topic.

"The reason I asked Guy to come over today was to ask something."

He suddenly puts up his hand to stop me, "Before I answer your question... We gotta talk about that first."

I blinked, immediately understanding what he meant, "... Okay. What do you want to know? Kevin is currently resting, though."

"You know what I want to know." Guy's lips twitched into a grin while gritting out his next sentence, "You and that man singlehandedly broke the world's spatial atmosphere!"

Ah... That...

"It's all fixed, so there's no problem!" I assured him, waving the problem off

"To hell with that!" Guy snapped, "Don't ignore the problem! You fixed it?! Sure, I'll believe that for now, but what about next time?!"

"It won't happen again! I can assure you!" I said, avoiding eye contact, ... As long as something like that doesn't happen again, then I wouldn't need to use a fraction of the <Authority of Origin>...

"You're lying, aren't you? Look at me when you say that." Guy huffs and stares straight at me


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