Hustle and Bustle

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Rimuru POV

It has been a few days since Mei returned to her world. I am finally free to walk in the town again after the skill is deactivated.

The fresh air is so nice! I guess it was a good thing that I had left the door to the realm in my office until the labyrinth was complete! I could do anything I wanted in there and Bella had so much space to practice flying in.

Speaking of Bella, it seems like Veldora has been bringing her around town in his free time away from the labyrinth while I was unable to. I was honestly worried that she might become too attached to me, but thankfully, it seems like that baby was just fine without me around. Today, Veldora brought her to the labyrinth so I could meet Mjollmile, whom I had noticed was arriving.

"Rimuru-sama, I've arrived late. I'll be in your care from today onward!" He greets me with a smile

"Mollie! Since you're finally here, let's take you to Rigurd first and let your subordinates settle in your house to get used to it!" I clapped my hands excitedly and took him to Rigurd's office

Upon arriving, I opened the door and Rigurd seems to be a little busy but quite happy to see me.

"Rigurd! Sorry for disturbing you at this time!" I apologized to him while giving a greeting

"Oh, if it isn't Rimuru-sama! Even Mjollmile-san is here too. To what do I owe the occasion to?" Rigurd asks, getting right down to business

"Ah, Rigurd-dono! It's been awhile. Young lady- I mean, Rimuru-sama has always given me good care." Mjollmile gives him a greeting and begins explaining everything

Since this would be a long discussion meeting, we moved to a guest room where we talked and discussed excitedly about the progress of the colosseum and the conditions of the inns in the southwest area. There were also talks about the future plans of opening stores near the colosseum and finally, I brought up the recently constructed labyrinth that was going to attract adventurers to Tempest. All in all, the discussion went on for so long that it was night by the time I brought Mjollmile to his house. Needless to say, he was beyond shocked.

"R-Rimuru-sama... Is it really okay for it to be this extravagant?" Mjollmile gaped after looking at everything inside the house

I nod, "Mhm! It's the standard here and I asked for it to be made extra luxurious since your subordinates will be staying here as well!"

"I-I see... In this kingdom, this is the standard issue? Then, do the cheap inns in the southwest area also have this standard?"

"Well, they do. But not every room has a bathroom, they have toilets built in. There are large, cheap bathhouses nearby after all. Some inns even have free-to-use bathhouses!" I explained

"I see... I recall during the discussion at the start of all this, didn't you mention that you intended to make this town a spa resort of a sort? Now I finally understand, Not only are these amenities exclusive to the wealthy, but even the inn service for commoners has reached this level. It's no wonder why the adventurers keep coming back." Mjollmiles nods in his thoughts, "This is not just comfortable. Compared to the entire western continent, the lodging here is the pinnacle of luxury. Now with a stable income from adventurers, this country will surely prosper as time goes on."

Ohhhhh! He's so sharp! His merchant senses are on overdrive!

"I get it now! So that's what this is about, Rimuru-sama!" Mjollmile suddenly shouts in realization while I remain confused, "That's why you are building the underground labyrinth! As expected of Rimuru-sama, I am completely vanquished against your intellect."

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