Side Story: A Happy Day

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Third Person POV

Benimaru knocks on the door to Rimuru's office and excuses himself as he opens the door, only to see a gloomy Veldora on the couch with a bowl of snacks and drinks on the coffee table in front of him.

"Veldora-sama? Is Rimuru-sama not in today?" Benimaru asks

"Well..." Veldora sulked as he touched the rim of his drink glass, "... She's out on a one-day vacation with the Flame-chasers in the realm... Saying something about them having the time to do something together now that they were reunited..."

"Ah..." Benimaru could guess why Veldora was sulking now, "... She didn't invite you?"

"No... She said that it was strictly for the Flame-chasers and Herrschers... Now that Su and Hua have a rare day off from the Empire, she wants to take this opportunity before they enter any sort of battle again..." Veldora explained

"I see." Benimaru thought back to the story of the past that Rimuru told them about and shrugged, "... I think it is best to leave them alone for now. It's been so long since they last saw each other, after all."

"I know..."

Benimaru sighed as Veldora continued to sulk but there was nothing he could do about it so he decided to just inform the other executives about it and to leave Rimuru alone for the day (hopefully her secretaries won't cause any trouble for once). Though he could imagine that somewhere in the Empire, a certain Lieutenant might also be sulking as well.


-In the realm-

In the early morning, there was bright laughter and chattering, the realm's space having been turned into a miniature park with trees all around, a small sea stretched into the distance and a cycling path that was being used by its current occupants.

"It's been a long time since I rode a bicycle!" Pardofelis said excitedly as she pedaled beside Kosma and Griseo, "Are you two doing okay?"

Griseo nods, "I'm fine. How about Kosma?"

Kosma nodded silently and concentrated on the path in front of them, "Watch the front, just in case."


Someone was shouting behind them and before they knew it, that same person cycled past them at a furious speed with flames bursting out from behind.


"Looks like Kalpas doesn't like going slow." Elysia, in her original form, chuckles in amusement, "But I hope he doesn't crash into anything..."

"Well, the realm is a vast space. He'll probably be okay. Plus, he's as sturdy as any of us, just like the madman he is." Mobius commented

Sakura sighed wearily, "I don't have the energy to go and stop him anyway. If he crashes, then it's just a lesson learned."

"But it's thanks to Iris that we could even get these bicycles. It would have taken a bit of time to build some from scratch." Eden added

"Mm. No need for thanks. I also added an indestructible function to them, so no matter how much he spews those flames, the bicycle won't melt." Iris assured them

"Wow! That's a nice function!" Elysia praised her, clapping her hands together

"Hey! Hands on the handles!" Mobius exclaimed

As expected, the bicycle swerved slightly without anyone controlling it but the handles were quickly caught by Su's hand, stabilizing it for Elysia to hold again.

"Thank you, Su!"

Su sighs, "You really should keep yourself in check. You get too excited sometimes."

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