El Dorado

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Rimuru POV

As it turns out, Feiyun was not the only one who now has a Honkai Beast under her title. Not long after leaving Damargania, Iris had tested some things with her Herrscher powers to create terrains using the White Flower. She didn't tell me the full details (though she said that only little to no progress could be made for now) but she did have a Honkai Beast being born as a result of the release of her energy.

Is this because I gave them that skill?

<I cannot deny that possibility... After all, even though they were born under a different name, they still carry Master's blessing.>

I see...

For now, the little bird hasn't stopped toddling after Feiyun as if it was still incapable of flying. It was unnamed because the girl still couldn't process the information and hasn't really gotten used to its presence and the fact that not long ago, she was running away from being followed by the Seven Swords left behind to protect her. That was why she appeared in Milim's country.

It's completely imprinted Feiyun as its Master. Maybe it's also because it's lacking power right now.

For now, we've dropped Carrion and Frey off with Beni and the others as they were thrown into the labyrinth to train.

"I'm heading to El Dorado next, but..." I trailed off as Feiyun tried to shake off the bird again after another round of pacing, it was a pretty cute sight but I can't say it aloud, "... What are you going to do?"

"I don't have much to do, so I wanna go out too. But this one can't leave with us, right?" She asked, finally giving up and picking the bird up with a sigh, "It's sticking to me like a magnet..."

Shuna leans down from behind me, keeping her eyes on Feiyun before whispering, "My Lady, those marks are..."

I scratched my cheek lightly as I saw the first signs of faded black markings appearing around her upper eyelids and nodded to Shuna, "Don't worry. It will probably listen to you properly after a few days. Just give it some time."

This is the same as the time the Beasts of Origin were born... It's already an army down there so hopefully she won't think of any bright ideas to liven up the labyrinth further and increase its difficulty.

"You can take it with you if you want to. It's pretty quiet when held so I think it only just wants to be in your presence." I explained

She sighs again as the little bird hides behind her neck, nestled in her hair, "Fine..."

And so, it was decided that Feiyun and the unnamed Honkai Beast will follow us to El Dorado. Diablo was already sent ahead so he must be waiting for us there. Following us will be Souei and Ranga. Since Mizeri had already brought me to El Dorado before, all I had to do was teleport over. With Shuna and Rigurd seeing us off, I activated <Teleport> and we were on our way to Leon's country.


El Dorado was an artificial city created with the harmony of nature in mind. There were well organized streets and cityscapes along the flat land. Apparently, it was once a continent with a natural landscape of forests, plains, lakes, rivers and mountains. The current state El Dorado was a result of forcing the landscape to shape with great magic and optimizing it.

"Even so... This is amazing..." I marveled at the sight

Alrose, who met us at the designated spot, was the one who responded to my muttering, "Haha, I am honored. I am sure Leon-sama will be pleased to hear that."

When we met before, Alrose had been wearing a helmet but now his face is bare. Underneath the helmet was a beautiful man with long silver hair. He was also the leader of Leon's subordinates, the Magic Knights. The Black Knight Claude was said to be the strongest but I think Alrose was equally strong. He could use magic without chanting and could invoke transference spells quite naturally. We were soon in front of the Great Gate in an instant.

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