Revisiting Dwargon

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Rimuru POV

The next day, we left for Dwargon. Accompanying me are the Goblin Riders led by Gobta, Kaijin and the three Dwarf brothers, Shuna, Sakura, and Shion.

I needed to bring Shion-chan along since she might throw a tantrum if she knew that I wasn't bringing her with us. We can't have another destroyed office!

"Oh! Look, Rimuru-sama!" Shion calls, looking out of the carriage window


"Geld is quite quick at his job. The road ruined from the battle with Charybdis is almost repaired." Shion notes

I looked out of the window to see the same sight and once again, I am amazed by Geld and his worker's quick hands.

"Wow! Ranga! Make sure you stop when you see Geld and his workers!" I called


I continued looking out of the window and finally spotted Geld in the distance.



The carriages pulled over for us to speak with each other.

"Are you leaving for Dwargon today?" He asks

"Yes! Thanks to the new road, the trip has been really smooth so far! Thank you for your hard work as always!" I praised before tossing out barrels toward them that were stored in my 'Stomach'

"This is..."

"Beer! For all your hard work! But be sure to not get too drunk!" I ordered as the workers cheered

Ranga continues moving amidst the cheers and Geld expresses his thanks.

"Such a hard worker... I never really see him taking breaks often." Sakura notes

"Mm! He never listens to me and never takes breaks. I even had to resort to ordering him to take breaks!" I complained

"I see... Is it really okay for me to meet a King?" Sakura asks, unsure of herself

"He asked to see you in the invitation, so I don't have much of a choice... It's because we used those skills of ours." I sighed

"I... I see."

"No need to be so nervous, Sakura! He's a really nice person!" I assured her

"Okay. I'll trust you."

"Yeah! I'll lead the conversation, but if he needs you to answer him, just give him the answers he needs." I instructed her

"I got it."

And so, our trip went on for another four days before finally arriving at the gates of Dwargon, where there were crowds of adventurers outside as we were welcomed by the guards. I stepped out of the carriage with the altered white dress Shuna-chan made for me. Now, instead of just flowers, there was now a crest of Tempest sewn on the right chest of the dress along with a waist bow tied around my waist, the knot tied into a ribbon at my side. There were even magical alterations done to it to make the dress shimmer a little in the lightest blue. A blue cloak hung over my shoulder, the seams of it lined thinly with Direwolf fur and held together by a white ribbon. My hair is tied in my usual style of a loose ponytail with my favorite hairband. The crowd was already staring straight at me, not like the attention bothered me much, but there are definitely a lot of murmurings around me.

"Hey, Brother. Looks like you are doing great." A voice greets

We turned our heads to see Kaijin greeting Kaido, his brother whom he hasn't seen in a long while.

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