Demon Lord Milim

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Rimuru POV

We guided King Gazel and his army into one of our guest houses where we hold small banquets for guests.

"Huh? A monster's threat level?" I repeated King Gazel's words

"That's right. They're in vague categories, not set in stone. As they rise, they go from 'Hazard' to 'Calamity' to 'Disaster'. The Orc Lord, for example, was a Hazard, his army notwithstanding." King Gazel explains

"Hm... Then what is a Demon Lord classified as?"

"A Demon Lord is a 'Disaster'. This is because an enraged Demon Lord is as destructive as a natural disaster. If you should run across one, heed my advice and let it be. I can't save you."

"I see. Well, don't worry! I wouldn't bother one." I assured him before giving it a thought, Unless it's to avenge Shizue.

"This food is delicious, I must say." King Gazel praised

"I'm happy you like it! We've got a very good cook!" I grinned in relief

Then I started noticing King Gazel going deep into his thoughts before turning to me.

"... Rimuru. Do you intend to form a pact with us?" He asked as I jumped a little in surprise at his proposal, "Don't give me that look. The layout and construction of this town is fantastic. I'm certain it could be the center of a bustling trade network. Such a place would benefit from an established nation assuring its safety."

"Ah... But are you sure? That would mean recognizing monsters as a proper nation."

"Of course. I am speaking as a King. Naturally, this offer is not just for charity. It is an agreement that would benefit both sides." King Gazel explained

"Really? It's not a trick or anything, right?"

"I wouldn't dare attempt to take advantage of the dryad and my exalted teacher in their presence. I have only two conditions to propose. One, that grave matters of national danger prompt mutual aid. And two, that we share our knowledge and expertise with one another. But there's no need to rush to an answer. Give the idea some time to settle in your mind."

Well... He is right. It would be better to have an alliance that we can count on too...

"... No need. I gladly accept your offer."

"Now that's a ruler's decisiveness! It's good to see that my fellow student of the sword can uphold our reputation! ... So what is the name of your nation?" He asked

I glanced at the others as they shook their heads.

"That... Our town is not technically at the level of a 'nation' yet. I'm the Chancellor of the Great Jura Forest Alliance, but I'm not a Queen or ruler, per se..." I explained

"If any dare to treat Rimuru-sama as anything less than a Queen, they will have me to..." Shion growled, drawing her odachi

"Put that away, Shion-chan. No need for violence." I ordered

"Yes, ma'am..."

"But if we're talking about deciding who should lead the country, I think we're all in agreement on Rimuru-sama. It's in a monster's nature to obey the greater power... But at least among us, that wasn't the only reason we decided to follow her." Beni says with a knowing smile

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