The Decisive Battle

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Third Person POV

There were still more than 20,000 survivors of the Imperial Army, all of them were desperately escaping from the death zone and coming towards Geld. With the fear of death in their eyes, they would charge in a desperate attempt to kill them. Perhaps because their commander, Geld, was calm, the soldiers of the Second Corps were all calm and focused.

"Shields up!"

The solemn order was made before the two armies would come into contact with each other. Despite the fierce clash, they did not retreat a single step and caught the Imperial troops. Their wall never once collapsed as they pushed the Imperial Army back. The next move was made by Shion.

"Charge! Let us slaughter all the enemies of Rimuru-sama!"

Shion's guard, led by the Yomigaeri, all let out a shout as a signal. As many as 10,000 Majin of various kinds took action in their own way. They were all trained by Shion and claimed to be her fans. With the Yomigaeri leading, they were united in their actions. They all had the Extra Skill <Mortal Fear>, which was a power of Shion's, given through the Yomigaeri. Thus they turned into Terror Knights and attacked the Imperial Army. The skill incited the fears of their enemies and made them lose their will to fight. The most eye-catching among the Shion Guard were the three giants, Dagruel's sons. They had assimilated their auras with Shion's <Mortal Fear> and rampaging as incarnations of violence.

While Shion was active on the right flank, on the left flank...

"No... how?! How can there be-"

"B-Beast Master's Warrior Alliance...?!"

"No, I don't want to die-"

The Beast Master's Warrior Alliance and the Majins under the Beast King came as reinforcements, giving it their all to repay Rimuru for her great favor.

"That's a true monster." Alvis muttered, looking at the black pillar

The elephant beastman beside her, Zor, nodded, "Indeed."

"We rushed over here with 20,000 troops for support, but they were so easily overpowered. We can't claim to be repaying a favor like this." Alvis lamented

"It was not the kind of thing that could be repaid, of course."

"Indeed. In that case, we can at least avoid making Her Majesty Rimuru unhappy. Death is out of the question. Do everything you can so that no one gets hurt." Alvis commanded

"You heard her, everyone! With the pride of being under the Beast King's command, do not let up and give it your all until the very end!"

At Zor's roar, the Beast Master's Warrior Alliance responded and began their march on the left flank of the Imperial Army.


Momiji watched all this with cold eyes, her head was calm but her heart was burning fiercely.

"It's about time. With the fire of compassion, let us save our enemies from the sea of suffering." Momiji muttered, sending Gobua a signal

The Fourth Corps united their breaths and raised their demonic auras. Through Gobua, the command was transmitted to the Kurenai with a <Telepathy Net> sent to each member. Then, the aura moved in reversal and was transmitted to the Kurenai, harmonizing beautifully. Momiji's role was to unite them.

"Are you sure about this?" Gobua asked a little anxiously

Momiji laughed it off, "I am going to be Benimaru-sama's wife. What will I do if I am unable to do something to this extent?"

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