The Marching Giants

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Third Person POV

It was decided that Rimuru would confront and free Leon, so she quickly made her move to leave with Feiyun but it was met with a rejection.

"You want to stay here?" Rimuru confirmed

"Yeah. There's only so much they can do here. Plus it's easier for me to gather information without all the chaos of the war. Iris is there and those two are heading over, but they might still need help. I'll stay here and support everyone else." Feiyun explained

"I see. Then stay as a support. Testarossa, watch over her." Rimuru ordered as Testarossa nodded, "Also, take this."

Rimuru took out the Black Abyss from her spatial storage and tossed it to Testarossa.

"It may not be your type of weapon but it might be of help."

"It's not a problem. Thank you, Rimuru-sama." Testarossa said with a bow

Rimuru then glanced between Hua and Feiyun, "Be careful. Call me if things get bad."

Feiyun chuckled, "Don't worry! Just go!"

Rimuru nods and leaves with Diablo to head over to Damargania.


At Damargania, a fierce battle was taking place. Dagruel and Fenn were facing off against each other while Veyron faced off against Dino and Leon was facing off against Dagruel's younger brother, Glassord. Ultima was facing against Pico and Garcia, Dino's two subordinates.

"It's been awhile since I've been this heated. Brother. I'm about to get serious." Dagruel warned

Fenn huffed at him, "Hmph! That's what I want."

His fighting spirit swelled, rivalling that of a True Dragon, and exerted a physical pressure over Dagruel, but Dagruel was not one to be defeated here as he let his own fighting aura penetrate this body, transforming his muscles into one specialized for combat. This was the start of a full-scale battle between the two brothers with each of their goals was non-negotiable. Fenn wanted the Dagruel of his rampaging days back. Dagruel, on the other hand, was seeking stability and order, willing to go to war if necessary, but he was not willing to go to war in vain. Their goals were incompatible. However, the winner of this fight would be able to make his opponent follow their wishes.

But little by little, Fenn gradually began to gain the upper hand in what seemed to be a tight competition. The difference in strength was apparent. In addition to that, the decisive factor was the Gleipnir, a chain that Fenn could control at will. Veldanava had created it with his own hands, an indestructible chain that boasted strength and flexibility above even the mythical-grade. Fenn had been bound by it for so many years that he had come to be able to control Gleipnir as if it were a part of his own body. And because of that...

"Kuh, you're so cocky... You've gained even more strength than before to have pushed me so far like this- Eh?!" Dagruel was caught off guard as his arms and legs were twisted together by the Glepinir

Fenn smirked at his anguished expression, "Brother, you'd better accept the memories of the pain I deeply experienced!"

He delivered a powerful headbutt, and a moment later, their souls touched, memories and emotions crossed. This resulted in the sharing of memories and Dagruel remembered.

"Do you remember now, Brother?" Fenn asks

Dagruel grinned, "Hmph, I feel like I'm awake."

Fenn's smile deepened, "I see, well that's good."

He reached out a hand to Dagruel and it was clasped tightly.

"Now then, it's time to fight. Let's show the world the might of our Titan Army!" Dagruel shouted

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