The End of a War

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Third Person POV

Everyone present now had their attention on the person that had crash landed onto the field. His face was covered by a beaked mask and he was also wearing a hat on his head. To match the hat, his outfit is a beige suit and he holds a cane in his hand.

"What is the meaning of this?! Why have you ruined the Great Gelmud-sama's ingenious plan?!" Gelmud yells, turning to the Orc Lord, "You great oaf! If you had just evolved into a Demon Lord already, there would be no need for a Greater Majin like myself to take center stage!"

"So this is the Majin that Treyni-san claimed that was involved in the Orc Lord's birth..." Rimuru recalls

"What do you mean... evolve into... Demon Lord?" The Orc Lord questions

"The Orc Lord isn't aware of this?"

"Unbelievable! How dense can you get?!" Gelmud scowls

"Gelmud-sama! Have you come to save me in my hour of need?! I'm sorry for my failure. And I had Laplace-dono's warning and everything..." Gabiru exclaims

"... Gabiru? What good timing." Gelmud says as he generates a funnel of power from his cane, "<Deathmarch Dance>!"

Bullets of energy shoot out towards Gabiru as the water around him had been blown as well.

"Eat that lizard, Orc Lord. He may have been useless, but I did name him as an individual. Perhaps his power will be enough to evolve you as I desired." Gelmud says, pointing his cane to where Gabiru was

"Mm... I see. So that's why you were naming multiple monsters, huh?"

The water returned to the ground, revealing that Rimuru had protected Gabiru and his men.

"Wha-?! Wh-Who are...?" Gelmud stammered

"G-Gelmud-sama, why... I thought you said... that I had promise... that I might one day serve as your right hand!" Gabiru gasps

"Anyone he cannot use, he gets rid of. That's how he does things." Benimaru says before staring at Gelmud, "Greetings, Gele... um... Gelmud, was it? Despite being rejected by the entirety of the Orge Village, it seems that you managed to do some naming, after all."

"K... Kijin!"

The Kijin surrounded Gelmud as he looks at their angered expressions.

"Are you the one who set the Orcs upon our village?" Shion questioned

"If not, you ought to explain yourself now. I was just starting to get bored of slaying this endless horde of Orcs. But when given a chance for vengeance, my bloodlust picks right back up." Hakurou warns, unsheathing his katana

"Grr... Yeah, I did it! What's your point?! Do not underestimate a higher order Majin!" Gelmud yells as he fired his energy bullets at the Kijin

"I think you're the one who's underestimating us." Benimaru says, appearing behind Gelmud

Gelmud tries to dodge the blade that Benimaru swung at him but was a little late to dodge as the blade had sliced off a part of his ear.

"My-my-my-my ear!" Gelmud cried

"That is nothing. My father died to allow me and Shuna to escape. And not just him, many of our kind. They were eaten alive. The pain you just felt was nothing next to theirs." Benimaru growled

"D-Damn it all!" Gelmud exclaims as he bumps onto Shion while moving back

Shion and Hakurou looks down at him with wicked grins on their faces as Gelmud cowers away from them.

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