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Third Person POV

In the vicinity of Nidol's territory, Diablo overlooks the camp of the army led by the new King of Falmuth, Edward.

"So, the new King himself has stepped into the battlefield, after all?" Diablo hums in thought as he observes the auras of each soldier or fighter, three of them catching his eyes, "Those people... Their aura is somewhat stronger than those soldiers. Are they members of the Ten Great Saints of the Church?"

As he continues his observation, he noticed one of the members of the Ten Great Saints splitting up with those on the camp, taking a couple of Knights with him.

He immediately establishes a communication line with Hakurou, "Hakurou-dono, there is a person from Lubelius leading an army towards you. I thought he might be a good bargaining chip."

"Copy that. I will tell Ranga-dono to capture him alive."

"I do not think there is any chance we are going to lose."

"Hm. Rest assured. I will be watching, too, so you may do as you please."

"That is a relief to hear. Well then, that would be all from me."

"Do not overdo it."

With that, Diablo cuts the communication line and recalls the terrifying memory of his first meeting with Rimuru during the Resurrection Festival.

"Right. The day when Rimuru-sama became a Demon Lord and awoke from her slumber..."

You can go home now!

"I came to know despair!"

"Kufufufu... I have never felt fear once in my life." Diablo chuckles lowly as he ran a trembling hand over his face, "Just remembering it is worse than tearing myself. I have no desire to experience that feeling again. And yet..."

Taking a deep breath to compose himself, he glared down at the enemy camp.

"Those of you who framed me for the Archbishop's murder and made Rimuru-sama feel bad about it... I will make sure that you pay for this."

Iris watches him with a blank expression, having been ignored ever since their arrival.

"I would think his affection for Lady Mother is beyond a master-servant relationship... But I shouldn't say it out loud..."

"Shall we head down?" She suggests as Diablo finally acknowledges her presence with a nod

Diablo spreads his black wings and made an entrance in front of the King's tent while Iris landed softly beside him. The soldiers were already in a panic, calling for a gathering to protect the King.

"Nice to meet you, everyone. My name is Diablo, Rimuru-sama's loyal butler." Diablo greets with a small curtsy, keeping his wings, "Although, for King Edward, we have already met during the peace arrangement. It's nice to see you again."

"Well, well, if it isn't the envoy of Demon Lord Rimuru. How can I help you today?" Edward asks, keeping his composure

"Kufufufu. I only came for one thing. To give you a warning."


"Withdraw your troops now and make peace with Youm-dono. If you do, you won't have to experience the horrors that you would have otherwise never known." Diablo warns calmly

"Hahahaha, that is a very strange thing to say! In the first place, this started with my brother's embezzlement of reparations to your country. What I'm doing is simply trying to collect it." Edward scoffs

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