Return of the Spirit

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Rimuru POV

The progress of the growth capsules really was a huge surprise when I was brought to look at them. The initial plan was to craft skeletons of one thousand bodies with magisteel which would be submerged in the magicule medium of the growth capsule. Those skeletons would then be used as the foundation to form a bone golem. Since the framework was artificial, there was little possibility of the bodies decaying and the magicules in the liquid would crystalize on the skeletons so the probability of the bodies abruptly gaining self-consciousness would be impossible. These did not require detailed modeling unlike Beretta and the demons planning to acquire the bodies would use their own magicules to alter their own appearances to suit their preferences. But now, within the one thousand growth capsules were humanoid dolls, and measures were taken to implement essential body parts. The one component that caught my eye was the artificial representation of their heart implanted into the chests of the dolls, a pumping Spirit Magic Core.


"I came up with the idea! If they have a strong enough core, the monsters would probably be even stronger." Ramiris explained with a proud smirk

This is amazing! Did she create this many cores by herself? But they are just missing one tiny thing, and I have just the solution!

I summoned the Abyss Flower and held it out, much to their surprise as I activated the same power I used on Gaia to create its soul container, implanting those similar soul containers into the Spirit Magic Cores before putting away the Abyss Flower.

Phew, that did not take much energy like before since I'm not reviving anything!

That was when I felt a small surge of Iris's Herrscher energy leaking from the other room but it stopped as suddenly as it was let out.

Did something happen to Iris?

I was about to check it out but was stopped by Veldora who began to question me about what I had done.

"I just gave those cores a soul container, so the possession should be smoother without many issues now! I really am surprised by this progress though!" I explained with a smile

"Creating soul containers is even more amazing..." MEI muttered under her breath, "I never thought about that aspect of having containers like that."

Still, I can see why Vesta was so invested in this project. He must have been so amazed by this too and did not sleep a wink to witness the progress. I guess this was also why Ramiris was complaining about the lack of manpower. This must have taken a lot of work.

I hear footsteps entering the room and noticed Iris walking up to MEI with a slightly guilty expression before it morphed back to an emotionless one. Deciding to put aside my curiosity for now, I returned my attention to the growth capsules.

"I can tell that these were handcrafted as well. You guys must have put in a lot of work! You did so well!" I praised them

"Thanks! But it was super tiring. Although they aren't dolls with ball joints like Beretta, but rather simply bodies imitating human skeletons, if we prepare heart-emulating cores, I'm sure that they will absorb a large quantity of magicules when submerged in the capsule." Ramiris explained proudly once again

Hehe, appearances truly can be deceiving! Ramiris really is in her element when she does any kind of research! I'm so happy I let her stay here now! This truly is incredible!


A few days after that, since I had a feeling that Diablo was about to return soon, I decided to finish the bodies early so I dropped by the research facility today.

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