The Empire's Decision

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Third Person POV

A few days later after Gadra's return, the Imperial Conference had begun. The attendees bowed their heads to the silhouette behind the bamboo blind, the unifying Emperor, Rudra Nam Ul Nasca. Nearly 200 people were assembled in the conference room. The Three Commanders, commanders of the military corps, and their adjutants. The elites of the Imperial Guardians were neatly lined up. Lastly, the Cabinet Ministers who administered the government of the country as well as the Great House of Peers, the Empire's backbone.

"His Imperial Majesty the Emperor has arrived!"

Everyone greeted him in unison and thus began the Imperial Conference. The conference opened solemnly with differing opinions until the topic ended up on the invasion of the Great Forest of Jura. A topic that someone had opposition to.

"With all due respect, Your Majesty, I am against this." Gadra spoke up

The person who laughed at him was none other than Commander Calgurio, the commander of the Armored Corps, "What a cowardly thing to say! You're still going on about that, Gadra-dono?"

"The West would easily crumble if we struck them. However, the evil dragon Veldora dwells within the Great Jura forest. It was only two years ago that its revival was made certain, so, of course, we must be cautious." Another voice joins in followed by scoffs, calling Gadra 'soft'

Standing amongst the Imperial Guardians, Su was the only one who disagreed with their views in his thoughts, "If war can be avoided, then there is no need for meaningless sacrifices, but these guys are much too greedy to understand such a thing. It is until they experience loss and fear, would they understand that this war is pointless."

"Master, there's something to be learned from your cautious attitude. Nonetheless, as I have assured you many times, the countermeasures against Veldora are flawless. With our new weapons, we can subdue that evil dragon!" Calgurio continued

"You're ridiculous! Stop living in an illusion, Calgurio-dono. As long as the possibility of it failing cannot be denied, we must, naturally, exercise caution. Not to mention, a new Demon Lord has risen to power in that forest! Although it is known that the Demon Lords do not cooperate with one another, it is still unwise to deliberately antagonize one. That evil dragon was revived and seemed to have joined hands with the newcomer, Demon Lord Rimuru. Dealing with a Demon Lord through mutual inviolability is the tried-and-true approach!" Gadra countered before calming himself, "There is no reason to make more enemies."

Calgurio laughs scornfully, "Well then, Gadra-dono, are you saying that we should give up on pursuing the Empire's dearest wish?"

"Calgurio-dono is right. Master, even demon lords pose no threat in the face of the great Imperial army!"

"You're being insolent before His Imperial Majesty! Gadra-dono, do you intend to defy the emperor's will?!"

"Nay!" Gadra shouted and refuted the objections, "Come to think of it, rather than fighting a Demon Lord, it would be wiser to get the cooperation of the Dwarf King. There won't be any casualties, and it will be easier to conquer the West!"

Another laugh came, not from Calgurio, but from one of the other commanders, commander of the Beast Corps, Beast King Gladium, "You are being ridiculous, Gadra-dono. The Dwarf King is a master swordsman and a man of great honor. His predecessors were champions as well, and he is exceptionally skilled. His companions are also famous champions. They would be tougher opponents than the newcomer Demon Lord. As much as I'd like to test their abilities in a match, that's not our main concern. What I'm saying is that instead of fighting against champions, the optics of subjugating a Demon Lord are far preferable in the public eye!"

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