War Plans

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Rimuru POV

We were now in the guesthouses where dinner was held with the other rulers and the Three Beastkeeters in attendance. The next step of our plans would be decided after dinner, which happened to be now.

"... Rimuru. Did something happen?" King Gazel asks carefully as he looks at all the gathered executives except for Mobius, Geld, and Gabiru, who looked quite haggard and pale in shock, "Your executives..."

"Ah... Let's... Let's talk about that another time." I brushed the topic off

Geld and Gabiru aside, I can't believe Mobius even ran from that situation! I couldn't even talk to Shion-chan and some others about my past before dinner!

"Well, since everyone is gathered again, we should talk about some preparations before the war. From Ramiris's information, Walpurgis will take place in two days on the night of the new Moon. Souei has already investigated Clayman's army and he had reported a little of the situation to me before, so I'll let him continue with this." I started and nod to Souei as he took this as a cue to begin his report

He shares with us visual images using <Thought Communication> and we were immediately shown the enemy camp.

"Their numbers are roughly 30,000. They're currently organizing their forces at Milim-sama's domain. The one leading the army doesn't seem to be Clayman himself, however."


"In terms of magicule capacity, the one with the highest amount would be..." Souei trails off and a magnified image of a Majin with part black and white hair with a sword of ice on his back

"So this one is the commander?" Sakura asks

"He's Yamza, the Middle Finger. The especially strong ones among Clayman's subordinates are known as the Five Fingers. Yamza, the Middle Finger. Adalman, the Pointer Finger. Nine-head, the Thumb. Pirone, the Little Finger. I used to be the Ring Finger." Mjurran explains and I nod, acknowledging the information she had given us, "Clayman had granted him a magic sword with the power to freeze its target. Which made him known as the Frozen Swordmage. He's a cruel, unfair, and merciless man. But a regrettably talented one. He willingly swore his loyalty to Clayman, and we never did get on well for that. He's the strongest Majin among the Five Fingers."

"Huh... It doesn't seem that we need to be wary of him, though. I'm sure Clayman is a cautious man. He must know that the Animal Kingdom's Brigade gathered in this town. If he had wanted to fight us, this force is too weak." I said, getting a mental image of the map in my head, "In fact, I have an idea of his plan."

I shared the image of the map with everyone in the room.

"He must surely have another aim and it has been on my mind for some time now. He wanted to maximize our casualties along with Falmuth's. All for the sake of evolving into a True Demon Lord, I'm sure." I explained and gasps resounded in the room, "The Animal Kingdom Eurazania is nearby and there are still refugees there."

"You mean they are marching for Eurazania?! And they aim to kill the remaining refugees there?!" Suphia gasped

"Clayman must've known that we Three Beastkeeters and the main Carrion army are taking refuge in this city." Alvis gasps

"It would be the perfect opportunity to trample the Animal Kingdom." Beni concludes

"We believe Clayman's army will arrive at Eurazania in two days." Souei adds

"Dammit! We won't make it in time even if we head there now!" Suphia grits her teeth, punching the floor in frustration

What is the probability of Clayman's awakening succeeding, Raphael-san?

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