Side Story: The Fox's Regret

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Sakura POV

After staying in the town for a week, I have gotten used to some of their customs over time. Although, the constant reminder that I could no longer call Elysia as casually as I previously had done is proving to be tough, especially for Kalpas, who never cares a lot about these things. Today, I am in the middle of training with the goblins. So far, Gobta and his group of friends showed the most potential. The main training Instructor, Hakurou, does claim that Gobta could be a prodigy if given more training and confidence. I agree with that as he has caught me off guard a few times but never enough to beat me yet.


I parried Gobta's strike and hit him aside with my training sword. He grunts in pain but gets back up again, charging at me with a leap in the air. I brought up my stance with my training sword on my side and swung it upwards to deflect, pushing him back and flinging him into a tree.

"I... I give..." He mumbles

"You are still in need of more training." Hakurou chuckles, walking up to us

"No way..."

Although I feel bad for the goblin, there is no stopping Hakurou, so I didn't say much to this and simply nod. Gobta does indeed have potential but he needs to use his head more in a fight and not recklessly charge in at an opportunity. That said, he is able to work well with his fellow comrades, so I look forward to the day that this goblin achieves something even bigger.

"Thank you for today, Sakura-dono."

"No need for thanks, Hakurou-dono. This is what I can do for this place and for the Lady." I said, shaking my head

"Hoho, indeed."

I gave him a bow before taking my leave, sitting atop the cliff that overlooks the training ground. I like to feel the breeze here and it clears my mind from the chaotic thoughts in an unknown world.

But if there's one thing I can be grateful for in this world...

I reach into my shirt and pulled out my pendant, as new as the day I first got it. Inside, the picture of Rin and me together also looked like it never went through any form of damage from my battle with the Herrscher of Corruption the first time.

Herrscher of Corruption... Fate is rather odd at times. First, it possessed my little sister and killed me, and then we encountered it once again in the Elysian Realm, where everything had to be erased to not allow that Herrscher to be released into the real world.


I couldn't save you that day. If I had just been a little earlier that day... No, you would have still refused to escape with me. You didn't want to burden anyone, so you willingly gave yourself up to keep the peace.

I sigh at the memories of the past. Even when it was bygone past, the regret lingers. There were so many 'what if' situations, but none will ever be fulfilled since the past has already been long gone.

"She's such a cute girl."

I jumped upon hearing the voice behind me and whirled my head back to see who had come up to me.


Shuna POV

I am making a trip to the training grounds today to deliver everyone there some lunch. Hakurou can be relentless with his training, after all, so a healthy meal is good for one's training. Today's menu is pan-fried Megalodon meat that we still had leftover, refreshing and hot vegetable soup, and black rice.

"Everyone! Lunch is here!" I called as the training wraps up and the grateful goblins ran up to grab their share

"Thank you as always, Shuna-sama." Hakurou thanks, walking up to me with a smile

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