Echoes of the Past

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Rimuru POV

After separating ways with the other representatives of Tempest, other than Veldora, Sakura, and Mei who decided to follow us, we walked to the smithy where Kaijin and Kurobe were and I introduced them to the Knights. 

"Thes two are our skilled blacksmiths of Tempest, Kaijin, and Kurobe! Be our guest and watch them work and repair your gears!"


While we are introducing our technology to them, we also got to analyze their Armaments of Light.  According to Raphael-san, it would offer the user's mana, namely their spirit aura, to the spirits so that they could be materialized.

"Mei, have you gotten your katana checked on? I hope it's still in good condition!" I said, looking at the katana she brought out

"Yeah. It can still be used and it isn't damaged in any way." Mei nods as she shows it to me

"Oh! Hm... Yeah, that looks to be in pristine condition!"

Kaijin walks over to us while observing the katana.

"Kurobe talked about it to me before and I wanted to have a look at it myself." Kaijin says as he stroked his beard in thought, "Hm? Mei-dono, can I go with you to that workstation for a bit? I want to check on something."


Mei follows Kaijin to a workstation and I turned my attention back to Hinata.

"Oh! Your greatsword was destroyed back there, right? Do you want a new weapon, Hinata? I can get one ready for you." I asked the girl

"Ah, there's no need. I still have the Moonlight Rapier that Luminas-sama had gifted to me before." Hinata denies my offer as she took her rapier out

But that rapier is a legendary-grade weapon and is better used for dire situations... I think I overheard Kurobe talking to Kaijin about how the quality of its magisteel had evolved over time. But because of this, it inspired both Garm and Kurobe to try to craft a weapon like it. Also, if she unsheathes it in any town or city, it is asking for disaster to strike considering how potent it is, so she can't swing that on a daily basis. I really should gift her a sword too as part of our token of friendship! Let's see... I guess there's only one type of weapon I can make right now. I think she will use it well!

While Raphael-san uses my memories to analyze the specific weapon I requested for crafting, I looked around and smiled at the interactions everyone was having.

<Notice. The weapon recreation formula for the 'Jizo Mitama' is complete. Memory core of the Herrscher of Corruption has been found. Shall I apply it to the weapon?>

Eh? You found a memory core of that Herrscher? Will it affect the weapon negatively?

<Answer. Alterations to remove potential negative effects of the weapon with the Arcadia Honkai energy are successful.> 

Hm... If this won't harm Hinata, then I think it should be fine!

<Understood. The aesthetics of the weapon have been altered to suit the individual Hinata. Shall I recreate the weapon?>

Yes, of course!

In the next moment, the katana appears in my hands. I ran a quick analysis to make sure that the memory core would not be a negative effect before walking over to Hinata with it.

"Here, Hinata!"

She turns to me in confusion, looking at the katana in my hands before looking back up at me.

"This is..."

"I told you I would make one for you! Just take it as a token of friendship!" I encouraged her, holding out the katana

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