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Rimuru POV

Upon my call, Ranga appeared quietly from my shadow and Grandpa Hakurou stepped up without a sound. Testarossa appeared gracefully, Ultima appeared lightly, and Carrera appeared majestically. In unison, they knelt in front of me. I addressed Ranga first.

"You not only fought alongside Gobta-chan, but also protected him. Thank you, Ranga!"

"What do you mean, my Lady? I merely did what I had to do!" Ranga said with his wagging tail

He's so cute~

"Then from this day forward, you can call yourself the 'Star Lord'!"

Ranga howled and accepted the title. A Soul Corridor was connected between us and I gave him the souls. He began to evolve immediately and the Harvest Festival started.

"My Lady..."

"Are you sleepy? Then rest."

I let Ranga back into my shadow to allow him to sleep through the evolution. I turned my attention to Grandpa Hakurou next.

"Thank you! You did great as Gobta-chan's advisor!"

He chuckled, "It's nothing. Gobta is growing up, and soon he won't need my help."

"No, I think there's a big difference with and without your presence. Now as your reward-"

He cuts me off, "Wait a moment, Rimuru-sama. For my part, it is enough that you have listened to my daughter Momiji's wishes."

I established a <Telepathy Net> after hearing this, No! This and that are two different things. I wish them the best and I know that, as her father, it must be complicated for you since Alvis intervened, right?

"I thought about that a little, but I believe in young Benimaru-sama. And my daughter's eyes are also reliable. So I'm satisfied."

I know, I know that Beni will make them happy. But an award is important! The prize I prepared for you is something I asked Kurobe to forge. I do hope that you'll accept it so that his efforts will not be in vain.

This was a sword I requested from Kurobe to make. It was also a challenge for him. Recently, the Crystalytes from Raja have fully matured and the mined crystals were sent to us as part of our trade. Kurobe had worked extra hard to create this sword and this would be gifted to Hakurou, the first sword forged using Crystalytes.

"Oh, Kurobe... In that case, I will accept it with gratitude!"

Mm! Do take it!

"There's nothing to worry about, Hakurou! This is for you! Here, take it!" I said, holding out the sword I pulled out from my 'Stomach'

"Rimuru-sama's kindness shall not be wasted. I, Hakurou, humbly accept this sword!"

He received the sword and stepped back as I turned to the three Demonesses.

"Testarossa, Ultima, Carrera, you three have done splendidly as intelligence officers. We are making good use of the souls you have gathered for us. You may be dissatisfied with my decision to use it on other people first, but-"

Testarossa quickly interrupted me, "Rimuru-sama, what do you mean?! We have no complaints!"

"That's right! On the contrary, we are the ones who have not repaid you enough!" Ultima added

"They are both right, Milady. We are already content. We've been given bodies and even a name. That alone is enough to make us strong." Carrera added, nodding along

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