Movements from the Enemy

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Rimuru POV

Everything happened so quickly and five months went by after that. Iris had returned from Damargania with little news about the progress of her attempt to 'rejuvenate' its landscape but she did return with her Honkai Beast in tow and a pair of faded red markings around her upper eyelids.

[Honkai Beast - Beast of Genesis: Fenrir]

It was more extreme than I thought. She named the little Fenrir 'Ymir'. For now, Xiaoting and Ymir have been adapted to being inside the labyrinth without their Masters' presence now and are training but not under Veldora. I made sure to leave them to Apito or Kumara. I didn't need a second 'Bella' to suddenly emerge but so far, they were both doing well as long as their Masters visits them occasionally. Feiyun has been busy recently because of the news being spread from the Empire and her identity of being the Celestial Twins. There were some who came for greetings (unannounced near her doorstep, mind you, that's very rude!), some who just wanted to pay their respects to her or some with... proposals. She took things in stride at first but I think the lack of privacy really gave her some stress so she's been hiding more frequently in my office since she can't go around doing patrols freely anymore. Five months have gone by peacefully since then, I had to prepare for the Council Meeting that's in two weeks, until Feiyun came by again but with urgent news.

"Dino just contacted me. Michael has woken up and is already planning something big." She informed me

"Connect the line with me." I immediately ordered

She nodded and the communication line with Dino was immediately established.

Dino, what's the situation there?

"Rimuru! Thank god! Actually wait, there's a lot of things to say but I don't know where to start..." Dino rambled on before continuing, "First, Zalario filled them in about Cornu's death by Yin's hands. Sorry, that information was shared with him too and the existence of Iris was also exposed. Honestly I've never seen Zalario that wary before... I knew that girl was bad news but to put that Zalario on guard is something else..."

"Okay, okay, don't keep rambling on first! What the hell is going on over there?" Feiyun asked

"Right! So you see, you guys already know about the things that happened the last five months right? The undead elves as the mediums of incarnation and all that. Well, when Michael awoke and we got called for the meeting today, it was a plan for a surprise attack. Plus, Obera took her army and left."

"That's a surprise..."

"I'm serious. I was also shocked. By the way, this was something Michael didn't know yet either. I was about to tell him." Dino chuckled lightly

"I don't know whether your personality is a blessing or a curse..." Feiyun sighed

So where did they decide to attack?

"Oh, it's Leon's territory. As I said, Obera left and I'm staying behind, but all the other officers have been mobilized. Pico and Gracia are also being taken by force, so if it comes to a fight, please be merciful to them." Dino said

We'll try to keep that in mind.

"Please do. Oh, and I have one more favor to ask."

Feiyun and I just made a simple eye contact and she shrugged.

What is it?

"As I thought, I really enjoyed working with Vesta-san and Ramiris, and I'm bored here. So, Rimuru-san, please beat up Michael and free me!" Dino begged

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