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Dino POV

I watched how the other... 'Feiyun' on the screen, I think this girl in front of me called her 'Yin'? She had easily handled Cornu, a Seraph, one of the Seven Primordial Angels like he was nothing but a paperweight. In fact, she played with him like he was nothing but a fool.

She pretty much has some of Feiyun's real personality mixed in, and as for this one...

"Yang, was it?" I confirmed while scratching the back of my neck, "What is this? This is so ridiculous that I can't even make any sense out of it..."

The girl simply chuckled, "Then you don't have to understand anything. You guys already lost this war from the beginning."

... I hate to admit it but she's probably right. Even Zalario is having trouble with that Iris girl, I swear she's scary too...

I focused my attention on the opponent in front of me. She looked like Feiyun and she said she's a personality of hers, so maybe their powers are a little similar. Hopefully, I can get out of this situation but I can't believe this, just by seeing her like this, she seems to be at the level of an Awakened Demon Lord too.

This is so unfair... How did Rimuru gather this many Demon Lord-class subordinates?! And I thought she was already weird for taking those Primordial Demons in... Gosh, this is why I hate working...

"Since we're facing each other like this, what do you want to do?" 'Yang' asked with that same smile

"Were you hiding the entire time so that I would reveal my cards? If so, then that's despicable!" I complained

"Oh? Not at all, actually. I pretty much knew most of your strength by now." 'Yang' shrugged her shoulders, "I just wanted to see how far you were willing to go with this 'betrayal' thing."

"W... Wha..."

So wait... Could it be... Was Feiyun somehow still watching me?!

"So... Are you going to attack me or something?"

I clicked my tongue and lifted my greatsword, "I am still a pillar of the Octagram, so there is still no way I'd lose to you... Eat this and perish! <Fallen Strike>!"

Now that I have evolved my <Sloth> to <Sloth King, Belphegor>, my Phantom Flow style swordplay has definitely become more powerful and accurate, but fighting her with close combat might not be a good idea. After all, I've seen her using martial arts when I snuck a peek at the screens whenever she is out on the streets fighting criminals. She was a master in it, that's for sure, so I have to be cautious against this one. My <Fallen Strike> can penetrate all physical barriers, making my opponent think that it is a physical attack but it's actually a lethal mental attack, and with Feiyun's personality, I'm sure this one will also...

"You really are trying hard, aren't you?"

As I had expected, 'Yang' blocked my attack with her right hand.

"Idiot! You didn't even dodge my sword, and just took it head-on! I've won this battle!" I shouted victoriously

However, something was feeling off to me now. Her right hand took my Crumbling Fang's attack without taking any physical damage, no blood or cracks were obvious on her body. She didn't have any armor on, so how is that possible? Crumbling Fangs is a mythical-grade weapon, and yet it dealt no damage.

You really are trying hard, aren't you?

A chill ran up my spine once I recalled her words from just a few moments ago. I tugged at my greatsword's hilt, and it didn't seem to budge a single inch.

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