Truths Revealed

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Rimuru POV

Guy's last business was about the Hero (Chloe), his real reason for coming here.

"I knew that Granbell's goal was to free what Luminas had desperately tried to hide in that place. So, I've been watching over it to make sure it doesn't go off rampaging. But then Diablo told me to let Rimuru handle it." Guy explained

Ah, so that was what had been bothering Diablo. It's a good thing that Diablo chased him away. With my own rampage and him possibly joining in, who knows what could have happened...

"Oh, then you came at a good time, we were talking about this earlier. I'll explain from the beginning."

I then explained everything from the beginning, leaving out certain parts that we agreed to keep secret.

"And so, we defeated the rampaging Chronoa, and the case was resolved!" I finished my story

Guy nodded at my explanation, "I see, you went through a lot. Then, can I ask just one thing?"

"What is it?"

"That girl over there, no matter how you look at it, is a 'Hero'. How are you going to explain that?" Guy asked, pointing at Chloe

Oh, come on... I was trying to cover that up!

"She managed to awaken her hidden-"

"Don't lie."

Am I really that incapable of lying to Guy...?

It was Leon who covered for me while I lamented my incapability, "The person I've been constantly searching for with 'specific summoning' is this Chloe. By whatever whim of fate, she was there, but thanks to that, we were saved."

"That is correct. I was surprised too, but this girl, Chloe, was the perfect vessel to seal Chronoa." Luminas added

"A sealing vessel, you say?" Guy questioned while glancing at me with weary eyes

"Yes! Leon told us that she had a special ability to steal the power of any opponent and seal it away. I was a little doubtful at first, but I saw it with my own eyes! So I completely believe it now!" I responded to him casually

"Honestly. I ended up having my trump card taken from me, but it's better than allowing it to uncontrollably rampage around." Luminas said with a bitter expression

She is good at acting! Full points for you, Luminas!

"... That's what happened. There are a lot of strong people in this world, including you, Guy. I sought to protect Chloe in case of a threat, but I didn't think that she would expend her power as soon as I met her. I really am unlucky." Leon concluded with a depressed sigh

Leon is really good at this too! 

Guy hummed in thought, "Hm... You guys aren't trying to trick me, are you?"

"Of course not!"

"Being overly doubtful is a bad habit of yours."

"That's right. You shouldn't worry about such trivial things."

With perfect harmony, we denied his suspicions. After all, we all cared about Chloe and wanted to protect her.

"But you see, that girl definitely gained the power of a Hero, right? Would it truly be okay to leave things as they are?" Guy asks as Leon stood in response to his words, "Relax, I won't touch her."

"Then that's fine. Just remember, if you ever think of pointing a blade at Chloe, then you'll have to go through me first." Leon warned him while sitting back down

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