Emerging Problems

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Rimuru POV

Since we had to do a routine report, every executive had been gathered in a meeting room and I noted some absentees around the table.

Where are Mjollmile and Vesta?

"If you're wondering about Vesta, he's currently entertaining King Gazel so he apologizes for not being able to attend." Mobius clears my confusion

"Ah, I see. It can't be helped then." I shrugged before turning to Shuna and Shion with a smile, "The performance you two put up today in the concert was splendid! I thoroughly enjoyed it!"

"Hehe, that's because we have been practicing in secret. I'm already good at singing, and the instrument called piano also suited me. But in reality, I only know how to play those two songs." Shuna explains happily 

"I was practicing in secret too so that I could surprise you! But even with that surprise, Rimuru-sama gave an even bigger surprise! Your piano playing was so amazing! I felt like I was pulled into a new world!" Shion praised me with great joy

"I spent some time secretly practicing my piano playing too! But honestly, the biggest surprise to me was the Flame-chasers joining the stage! That was sly, using Sakura's skill to sneak everyone on the stage!" I whined, looking at the four Flame-chasers

"I was the first one to receive the invite and I guided those two to send their letter to your office while giving the rest their own invitations." Sakura explained with a grin, "But getting Kalpas to join without complaining required a small cheat code."

Kalpas was grumbling something unhappily under his breath while Aponia had a satisfied smile on her face.

Ah... She must have forced him to join with Discipline...

"In any case, both surprises were simply incredible. I have never heard such an enchanting singing voice before. That lady called the Golden Diva is amazing herself." Shuna notes

"Mhm! She is practically born to sing!" I added to her words

Beni blinks at me and I catch a look of realization on his face, "Judging by how close you all seemed to be, could the Golden Diva and Magician be..."

"Flame-chasers." Aponia answered him

"Seriously? Wow... I had my suspicions, but it makes more sense now." Beni hummed in thought

"And since you all know that now, I have to make a request to Geld. They have decided to become residents in Tempest as well, so could your team construct a house for them when the festival ends?" I requested

"Of course, Rimuru-sama. Leave it to us."

I nod and thanked him before turning to the two girls again, "On that note, will I be able to see you two perform again too?"

"Of course! I will practice more diligently and recreate all the songs memorized by Rimuru-sama!" Shion happily declares while Shuna nods in agreement 

"I look forward to it!" I then turned my attention to Gabiru, "Everyone was amazed by your presentation, Gabiru. King Gazel was quite impressed by you as well. He felt that it may have been a bit too much information, but I think it was fine. But Mobius..."

The said girl grins at me, "Yes?"

"Next time, give me a report of these kinds of things." I ordered as she chuckles, "I'm serious! I was so surprised when I saw the content of the presentation!"

"Fine, fine."

I'm certain she won't take it seriously, but oh well...

"Now... Diablo, regarding the Martial Tournament, what are the results of today's matches?" I asked my second Secretary standing behind me

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