Fall of Tempest

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A few minutes before Rimuru and Hinata's fight...

Benimaru POV

Tending to my work in the office, I suddenly received a startling news from Souei on the communication orb.

"Falmuth is preparing for war?"

"That's right. But there are no human nations engaged in open hostility with Falmuth. I'm trying to figure out where they mean to attack, but it's slow going..."

"... Alright. Report in if you figure anything out."


The communication cuts off and everyone present is now left with more questions about this unexpected situation.

"What's with those faces? It's unlike a general." A voice interjects my thoughts

"Kalpas-dono! What are you doing here?" Rigurd asks

"I'm helping Ririna to deliver some reports for agriculture and give some updates about the school." He shrugs and looks at us again, "What happened?"

"There's been a report. A hundred armed humans are on their way toward us." I replied

"Armed humans?"

"Benimaru-dono asked Souei-dono to determine where they came from, but the situation is fishy." Rigurd ponders

"I'll let Rimuru-sama know." I suggested and looked at Rigurd, "Call Rigur for me. Ensure the security forces are at the ready so that we don't respond the wrong way."

Rigurd nods and I notice Kalpas looking at the communication orb.

"I'll contact her in the meantime."

This is the calmest I've ever seen him be. Is there something on his mind?

Suddenly, the orb flickers to life, and a static image of the Beastkeeter, Alvis, appears.

"Com... Plea... Come in... This is Alvis of the Animal Kingdom Eurazania speaking. Any ministers of Tempest who hear this, please come in. I have urgent tidings."

I approach the orb to give my response.

"This is Benimaru. You said it's an emergency? Speak."

"One week from now, Eurazania will enter a state of war with Demon Lord Milim."

The room fell deadly silent at the news and I was the one who broke it.

"What... did you say?!"

"Therefore, we request the use of your country for temporary evacuation. I apologize for the abruptness of the request."

"H-Hey, wait! What do you mean?! Why is that happening?!"

"Ple... We... ne... lp..."

The communication cuts off, leaving us with more questions.

"... You're joking." was all I could mutter out

"Hey, Benimaru. Send out a warning to everyone, now." Kalpas growled


"Now! Or the town will get caught up in a pincer attack!"

"Kalpas-dono, calm down! Please explain to us in more detail!" Rigurd exclaims

"Demon Lord Milim and the armed humans... The timing is too coincidental! Anyway, contact whoever needs to be wary of this! I'm gonna find Sakura!"

With that, he ran out of the room and we proceeded to heed his advice, informing any and every of our fighting forces to be prepared for potential danger.

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