Orc Lord

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Rimuru POV

After dinner, the executives have been gathered in the meeting as Souei reported his findings about the Orcs to us.

"Ehhhh? 200,000 of them?! So you're saying that there's a giant army of 200,000 Orcs marching through the forest?" I exclaimed at the information

"Yes... When they attacked our village, there were only a few thousand... That was just a splinter group." Souei reports as he stands up to point out areas on our makeshift map, "The main force is heading North along the river. And based on the way both groups are moving, I believe they'll regroup in the Wetlands to the East of here. That would be the Lizardmen's territory."

Hm... It does mean that they are not attacking our town. But that means that even the Ogre Village wasn't enough to stop their march... It's like they don't have a specific goal in mind.

"... I wonder what they are after." I said aloud

"Hm... Orcs are not naturally intelligent monsters. If this invasion is for a purpose beyond simple instincts, then we ought to look for someone else urging them onwards." Kaijin said

"Like... A Demon Lord?" I quietly suggested but then shrugged it off with a smile, "Or maybe not. I have no evidence to back that up so forget about it."

Besides, even if it is a Demon Lord, it might not be Leon, the one that tormented Shizue, since there seems to be several out there.

"... It is not a Demon Lord... But an Orc Lord if my suspicions are correct. No ordinary Orc is capable of leading a 200,000 army strong." Benimaru said

"You mean the one you mentioned before? The unique monster that only comes into being every few centuries..." I asked

"That's the one."

"I believe we ought to take the utmost precautions, rather than assuming the best." Rigurd suggested

"Agreed." I said before noticing Souei's troubled expression, "Is something the matter, Souei?"

"Someone made contact with one of my Body Doubles while on reconnaissance. They sought an audience with you, Rimuru-sama. What shall we do?" Souei asks

"With me? Who is it? I'm already rather tired from dealing with someone like Gabiru, he was so rude..." I muttered under my breath

"This one is not 'rude', but it is certainly rare. It is... a dryad."


"Sure, call them over." I nodded

As soon as I said that, a leaf started floating down in front of me before the wind picked up on the table. I almost toppled over in my chair if it wasn't for Shuna and Shion catching me. Benimaru and Souei also immediately jumped out of their seats to come in front of me as the figure formed from the wind.

"Greetings to you. 'Ruler of Monsters' and her followers. Please forgive my sudden visit. I'm Treyni, the Dryad. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." The dryad, Treyni, greets

Wow... She's really pretty with all the green she's wearing.

"I am Rimuru Tempest. It's nice to meet you, Treyni-san!" I returned the greeting

The room was in a commotion after seeing her appear.

They seem really shocked to see this lady. Is she a really big deal?

<Answer. The dryad is the supreme being of the forest. She is known as the 'Protector of Treants' and the 'Manager of the Great Forest of Jura'.>

Oh, so it's like meeting a big leader...

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