The Final Farewell

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Rimuru POV

After telling Mei about the reopened portal, I thought she would want to leave immediately but instead...

At least let me say my goodbyes to the others. It wouldn't be right if I left so suddenly without saying anything. Then... you can send me back the day after.

So I complied with her request and she was now spending time in Tempest without a guide. She said that she will meet me once she was ready, so I decided to listen to her wishes and let her be.

Well, I guess she's taking my words to heart and is taking a little break before moving forward...

I prodded the egg on my table gently as it reacted to my aura with a slight shake. After what happened yesterday, I made it clear that I would not be around the people in town until the aura can be deactivated. <Queen's Majesty> was too strong, apparently. I already draw attention as a ruler but with this skill, weaker monsters or humans can't help but revere me like I was a deity.

And I thought the respect and loyalty all of them have for me is already an over-exaggeration... They literally started kneeling the moment I stepped out of the labyrinth!

And that was how I ended up confining myself in my office, only seeing Iris, Mei, the Flame-chasers, or the stronger executives that are not as affected by the aura.

"Hey, Bella. Mei will be leaving soon. Don't you want to see her off too?" I asked the egg, giving it another prod


Startled, I looked at the top of the egg where a small crack had formed.

No way...

Another crack forms on the left side this time before it spreads.

It's actually hatching!



This was my last day in this peaceful town before I return to my world, to Kiana-chan and Bronya-chan, so I decided to say some goodbyes and take in the sights one last time.

"It is a shame that you cannot join us for the Founding Festival, but..." Sakura pauses as she holds my hand to shake, "... We will leave our wills to you, Mei-dono. I hope you succeed."

"Thank you, Sakura. I wish I could join the festival too, but alas, duty calls. Leave it to me." I assured her as I gave her hand another firm shake before releasing it, "Let's spar one last time, Sakura."

"As you wish, Mei-dono."

We arrived at an empty training ground and drew our weapons. Metal clashing, heavy breathing, and the sound of quick footwork are the only things that resound after that. I think we were at this for about an hour or so before Sakura calls for a break.

"Good work, Mei-dono. You have surely improved enough to surpass my swordsmanship." She praises me

"If we were actually taking this spar seriously, I might lose to you. Your skill is a little cheating. Letting you hide within shadows? I can't beat what I can't see." I shrugged

"Oh, but I'm sure you will be able to do something about it when I use it. In fact haven't you beaten Gobta once when he used the skill <Shadow Movement> to sneak up on you for a sneak attack? I'd say that you have a chance against me if I used my skill." Sakura chuckled, brushing off my concern

"Hm... Gobta's personality is quite unique. And isn't he quite skilled? Why can't he beat Hakurou-san then?" I asked in curiosity

"He isn't confident with himself. When one holds a blade, one must hold the confidence to wield it. That and the fact that he is simply lazy as well. Look at this empty training ground." She points out with a sigh

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