Sleeping Ruler

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Rimuru POV

Two days after my inspection, Kaijin and Vesta, along with a few other researchers and engineers, finally succeeded in creating the Magitrain Zero with drafts from Vill-V, research notes from Mobius based on her memories, and an example model from Iris. I was surprised that they decided to let the two men take over and try their hand at making the train instead of just using the easy way and utilizing Iris's Herrscher powers instead and this was their response to me.

"Iris's Herrscher powers are definitely versatile and much like the Herrscher of Reason, but as his assistant, there is no way I'm letting Vesta depend on that. He is a passionate researcher and researchers need challenges. He agreed with my view and this was the result." Mobius explained with a proud grin

(Expert) Vill-V nodded in agreement, "We came from a turbulent era once, so something convenient like the Herrscher powers could help. However, this is a peaceful period of time, there is no need for something like that. A challenge is a challenge and genius engineers have no need for such conveniences when they have all the time in the world."

"I agreed with their views and did not interfere with the process, other than providing clues and a model. Vesta-san and Kaijin-san are geniuses in their fields, so we knew they could achieve this once they set their minds on it." Iris added

I took a look at the complete prototype of the train and smiled proudly at the time, fully agreeing with their words after seeing the hard work Kaijin and Vesta had put into the project.

Everything is going so smoothly! Good job, Vesta, Kaijin! Of course, Veldora and Ramiris did a good job of helping them by suggesting the use of Spirit Magic Cores!

That same night, I brought everyone (Vesta, Kaijin, Veldora, Ramiris, researchers, and engineers) involved in the development to the nightclub on Floor 95 to celebrate the completion of the Magitrain Zero. They really deserved the break after all of that hard work, after all!


Back to the present time, about five days after that day, I am now in my office sorting and going through some paperwork that required my attention. There were stacks of papers in front of me and it would usually take a long time for an average person to complete, but thanks to the help from Raphael-san, I was finishing them at top speed.

I really am so grateful Raphael-san is here with me! These mountains of paper are just too much even for me!

After an hour, I finally finished the last stack of papers and decided to take a rest on the couch when a knock on the door interrupted the peaceful break.

"Oh, come in!" I called out, sitting up on the couch

Shuna opens the door and bows deeply to me, "Rimuru-sama, you have a guest. He said his name was Dino, and that he is an acquaintance of Rimuru-sama."

Eh? Dino? That Demon Lord Dino is here?

"Oh, yes. He's Demon Lord Dino, a member of the Octagram. What is he doing here?" I wondered, standing up and getting ready to leave the office

"A Demon Lord? Then perhaps, just in case, shall I call Brother and Sakura-san here and surround him with our army?" Shuna asks in concern

I waved it off with a smile, "No need! You can call them if a fight does break out, but no need to call an army! Besides, I think he's just here for fun!"

"Understood. Then I shall do as you have ordered."

Shuna then leads me to the guest room where Dino was waiting. We differentiated the rooms depending on the individuals we were going to meet. For example, the nobles and merchants are shown the luxurious suite. On the other hand, if the guest is a suspicious or powerful individual, they would be shown to a plain room with sturdy walls. This is to minimize losses if the guest was to start a fight. This was the current room Dino was in. Opening the door for me to enter, I noticed the disheveled Dino lying out comfortably on the couch.

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