A Mere Chance

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Third Person POV

The people on the flagship were immensely confused as they looked around, not being able to figure out where they were after 'Hua' had snapped her fingers. It was an unexpected phenomenon that no one was able to catch in time.

"Are you surprised? The surprise isn't over yet though." 'Hua's' voice seemed to taunt them as their vision cleared

What they noticed first was the vast and grey landscape in front of them with chains and broken pieces of swords strewn around the place.

"This is..." Damrada gaped as he tried to figure out what was happening, "We've been drawn into a spatial phenomenon...?"

"What's that complicated way to call this?" 'Hua's' voice sighed heavily, "I call this the 'Sanctuary of Samsara'. I guess I can say... Welcome, people of the Empire."

Kondou was looking around when he couldn't see Hua anywhere before feeling Su's hand on his shoulder.

"Su! Hua... Where did she go?"

Su smiles slightly, "It's okay. Everything's fine now."


Grabbing Kondou's arm, they quickly avoided a swipe from Velgrynd's fan as soon as the <Parallel Existence> awakened and jumped off the flagship. A feather was quick to catch them and set them on the ground.

"I was right to put my trust in you not dying." Su huffs in slight relief, "But did you have to go through such a roundabout way to do this?"

"What? Be grateful that I didn't let you guys fall from the sky at least."

To their surprise and shock, Feiyun appeared from a flock of black feathers with a wide grin on her face as she stood on one of the chains around them.

"Hey! Missed me?"

"You... You definitely died back then..." Velgrynd gasped in disbelief, "How...?!"

"That's what you believe it to be." Feiyun shrugged nonchalantly


"Your deception method was good but couldn't you have done it in a more conventional way?" Hua complained with a sigh, walking out from behind Feiyun, "And was hitting me with that brick really necessary?"

"It was necessary! Don't complain! You caused me some trouble too!" Feiyun huffed indignantly, "If you had thought a little more, then we wouldn't have needed to go through all of this trouble!"

"Yes, yes. I'll have to admit that I'm at fault this time."

"Good that you know- Woah, hey!" Feiyun dodges Velgrynd's blade while pushing Hua off the chain they were standing on, knowing that she would land safely without any problem, "Impatient, aren't you?!"

"If you're the one that brought us here, then it would make sense if I can kill you here to get us free!" Velgrynd commented with another sword swipe, "Plus, you even abandoned your companions back at Dwargon, how low can you get?"

Feiyun couldn't help but laugh at her words while dodging again, "Abandon? Nah, I didn't. In fact, they have more than enough fighting power there."


Feiyun shrugged, not wanting to answer any questions before pulling out her whip again to block the next sword swing, "Honestly, her plan took me some time to understand but well, it isn't half bad. I guess I'll be your opponent again."

Velgrynd grunted as she tried to push her blade on the whip, "Damn you...! Just what the hell are you to be this sturdy...?!"

Feiyun grinned maniacally as her crimson eyes glowed as if she had been waiting for this question for some time now, "... A Herrscher."

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