Assassination Attempt

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Rimuru POV

The confrontation between the two groups began and starting with the duel between Hinata and Reiner, there was no competition. The difference in skills and power were just too great. Although she was wearing a restrictive formal attire, Hinata moved in an agile manner, making her way in front of Reiner, grabbing his arm and shoulder before throwing him away.

Ouch, that was a really strong shoulder throw. He will take a little bit to recover it seems. On the other hand...

I looked at the duel between Feiyun and Kai, which was nothing much either. Kai swung at her without mercy as he had declared, but Feiyun simply catches the blade between her forefinger and middle finger. With a small squeeze, the blade shattered in an instant.

"What the-"

"Hmph, you aren't even worth fighting at this rate. You said you were Rank A? How about showing me what you got? Or are you gonna give up just because I broke your sword?" Feiyun taunted the man

"D-Damn it! How dare a mere monster look down on me!" Kai screamed angrily, pulling out his backup sword

Feiyun scoffs when he charges forward with bloodshot eyes, "What? That was all you needed to break down to this state? Not even worth my time. Just go to sleep."

A black feather floats down in front of Kai and his eyes lost their light as he fell on his knees motionlessly, his empty eyes devoid of life.

Ah, it may look like the work of Fenghuang Down, but this is actually Feiyun's Herrscher powers at work. She is messing with his mind. He lost the moment Feiyun lost interest in fighting him. At least she didn't break his mind or he would actually be brain-dead.

I looked back at Hinata's duel. Reiner was still pathetically recovering his ego while Hinata stared down at him coldly.

"S-Sir Reiner! What's the hold up now?!"

"Shut that arrogant woman up right now. You also have to defeat the Demon Lord as well. Now is not the time to slack around!" Elric adds

Reiner was still in frozen in shock, having seen the immense difference in strength between him and Hinata.

"Are you not approaching me? Instead of coming to me, you are just gonna stand there? I'm coming to you then." Hinata scoffed and took a step forward

Reiner lets out a rather unmanly squeal upon seeing her approach and covered his head with his hands, squatting down on the ground. There was liquid coming out of his pants.

"Oh wow! He really pissed himself!" Feiyun laughed aloud


"W-What is happening? You are supposed to be the strongest, even stronger than Hinata the Saint!" Elric gasped as he watched this pathetic sight

Reiner did not move from his fetal position and was now crying. There was another scared scream and I noticed that Kai was out of the state Feiyun had put him in. The mere minute of being under her power terrified him and he also put himself in a crying fetal position.

"Oh wow, this one is even more pathetic than before. I didn't even need to pull any martial tactics on him." Feiyun scoffed

What did you even do to him in his dream world?

Since it was over, I stood up and glanced at the councilors around us. Elric was standing in front with a weird behavior, the Apostles of Verte beside him with no intention of antagonizing me distanced themselves from him.

"So, Elric... You are the prince, aren't you? Why did you want to trouble me like this? Do you wish to continue?" I questioned while glancing at the two men who were still cowering

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