The Truth

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Benimaru POV

I was tired mentally. I didn't think that it was true when Hua said that Feiyun could come in whenever she wanted and no one would even notice. She truly is something else. I cannot even believe it. I will just focus on my task at hand, in other words, my current opponent in front of me.

"I am Granit. Protector of the Empire."

"I am Benimaru. You can think of me as the second-in-command of Demon Lord Rimuru." I introduced myself

He smiled after our brief introduction but did not initiate any form of attack, instead, he said, "Ah, wait a moment. Don't you wish to hear what I have to say?"

I was a little uninterested but I will indulge for just a little while, "It depends on the content."

"Well, that's simple. I have investigated you, and it's been reported that you are a very powerful man." He said

I almost scoffed, "I'm flattered."

"Fufufu, I'm not trying to flatter you. I've slaughtered many powerful men and I pride myself on my discernment. Even in my eyes, you have passed the test. I'm sure you're no match for any ordinary Demon Lord." He continued without a care

I was getting annoyed at this point, "What are you trying to say?"

I thought about just wanting to get this battle over and done with but it would be a different case had he wanted to surrender but judging by the way he used his words, it seems like he might want me to surrender instead.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong. I'm surprised. Kondou was also unhelpful, as the Intelligence Bureau's negligence and his betrayal has put our Empire at risk. If there are more losses than expected, we won't be able to fight a decisive battle. So, I think we should end this now. Why don't you take an oath to be my subordinate? If you surrender, I will take full responsibility for you and your men." He offered me

This guy... is he trying to use us as pawns? But he seems to have the ability to back up his confidence.

Wanting to know more, I asked, "So, my subordinates will be fine, but what about Rimuru-sama?"

"It's a shame, but that Demon Lord is dangerous. We'll need your help to defeat her in order to confirm your loyalty." Granit replied to me

Sure enough, that was his intention. And how dumb is he? Wasn't their motive to come here in the first place was to obtain both Rimuru-sama and Veldora-sama?

"That's not even worth talking about. We would never betray Rimuru-sama." I said with a small scoff

I was delaying time because a voice had reached out to me after I had stepped through the gates. It was familiar and was not unpleasant.

<Benimaru, may I make some changes to the form of power you desire?>

I normally wouldn't accept something dubious like that but for some reason, I just thought that I should accept it, no matter what the reason was. Besides, after losing the battle to Bonnie with his Ultimate Skill, I couldn't sit back and I wanted to obtain an Ultimate Skill of my own to become stronger. Just hearing the idea of betraying Lady Rimuru made my blood boil, however, and I drew my sword against him.

"Hey, come on, it's no good having such a short temper. A monster lives by survival of the fittest. They follow the strong and abandon the weak, right? Isn't it commonplace for monsters to change masters?"

If anything, his words just made me even angrier as I lamented.

Heh, I have no right to laugh at Shion like this...

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