Arrival of an old friend

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Rimuru POV

The day after Diablo's report, I received a communication from Shion, telling me about Shuna's return from the old castle Keith had.

"Iris, could I trouble you to bring her here? I really want to go outside too, but Mobius isn't going to let me any time soon." I sighed heavily

We were having a nice time in the garden of the cathedral, sitting under a parasol attached to a table with two white chairs, decorated with vines and flowers.

"It's no trouble at all, Lady Mother. I'll open the door later at the entrance to the cathedral."

"Thank you!"

I opened a door for her to exit the realm and waited for her return.


Iris POV

Arriving back in Tempest, I waited near the entrance gates and finally saw Shuna and Souei after they had teleported.

"Oh, Iris!"

"Hello, Shuna-san. I came to bring you to Lady Mother." I informed her, looking past her shoulder to see an army of skeletons, "Is that the skeleton army you talked about? I heard it from Shion-san's report."

"Yes. This is Adalman and his men. He wanted to be granted the audience to see Rimuru-sama."

"I see. But she currently cannot meet with anyone other than the executives. For now, let them stay in the Sealed Cave before the weaker ones get to ascend to Nirvana." I told her, observing the weaker skeletons seemingly slowly disintegrating under the Sun

Souei nods and brings all of them into the Sealed Cave. I then gathered them both into the Central Office and opened the door to the realm.

"This is Rimuru-sama's..." Shuna muttered under her breath

"That's right. I am tasked to inform every executive of the reason she has to stay here for the time being. Please don't be too worried, though. She is quite energetic right now." I assured them

"This feeling... It's like we're in another dimension." Souei notes

"We are technically in another realm created by Lady Mother's powers as a Herrscher. This is where the abundance of her Herrscher powers is kept. During Walpurgis, she had expended quite a bit of energy and is now using this realm to recover. She felt bad for lying to you guys that she stabilized her energy when she hasn't. So in order to completely recover, we're taking measures to make sure she stays inside. I hope you two can cooperate with us too and don't try to give in to her demands on going outside." I requested

Shuna lets out a gasp behind the sleeve of her kimono, "What?! ... I understand."

She seems a little angry... Well, she wasn't the only one when she found out the truth.

The doors to the cathedral opened and Lady Mother stood at the entrance with a wide smile on her face.

"Shuna-chan! Souei! Welcome back!"

Lady Mother was still in her Herrscher outfit, so it isn't a surprise when the two became stunned by her appearance. However, Shuna recovers quicker, having seen it once before.

"Rimuru-sama! I am absolutely happy to see you too, however, that outfit is not something you should wear during recovery!" Shuna mildly chides her

This makes Lady Mother pause in her steps, staring at Shuna in shock, "Eh?!"

"Let me take some measurements and I'll have an outfit ready for you by tomorrow!"

With her words, Shuna starts leading Lady Mother back into the cathedral while Souei and I trail behind them until the doors to Lady Mother's room close.

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