Downfall and Revival

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Rimuru POV

The festivities began with Rigurd's announcement and everyone cheered happily, dancing around, eating whatever food was provided, and some even playing a few games of strength with each other.

"How nice..." I sighed happily, taking in the sight from a bench nearby

"Here, Rimuru-sama." Shuna calls from behind me, handing me a tray of food and wine, "Please enjoy yourself."

"Thank you, Shuna-chan. You should do the same, too! Tell that to Kalpas and Sakura as well." I said

"Of course!"

With that, she leaves me alone to enjoy the sights again when I hear footsteps approaching me from behind and I turn my head to see a man... Or rather, from analysis, he seemed to be a Demon.

Black hair with a streak of red. Black eyes with yellow pupils. Fits the Demon category. But why is he here?

"My Lady. I offer you my heartfelt congratulations on your ascent to Demon Lord." He greets me with a curtsy

"Mm... Who might you be?" I asked after being unable to remember him

He seems to startle in shock, letting out a gasp, and stumbling a little on his feet.

"S-Surely you jest. I am a Demon.. whose heart you've wounded grievously." He clenches his shirt

"Uh, I'm sorry..."

Ranga suddenly pops out of my shadow, looking at me and then at the Demon.

"My Lady, this is one of the Demons that you summoned." Ranga reminded me

"Ranga-dono!" The Demon smiles brightly

... Oh! Yes, he's right! I remember now! I summoned him using my magic!

"Thank you so much for your help back there! I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long! You can go home now!" I thanked him with a smile

But this only causes him to startle even further and tears brimmed his eyes. I was startled by this sight and jumped out of my seat in surprise.

"W-What's wrong?! Did I do something wrong? Or was the reward not enough?!" I asked frantically

"No, that is not it." The Demon sniffles before kneeling on the ground, "As I requested of you prior to this, I wish to be included among your followers. Would you consider this for me?"

Eh? Followers? ... Oh... Now I remember. He did say something like that after being summoned. But... Wait a minute. He's not a Greater Demon! How? I was sure I used a Greater Demon Summoning... The other two demons that came with him definitely looked like Greater Demons. What happened to them? I don't see them.

<Answer. They were consumed for extra energy when executing the ritual of resurrection.>

Consumed?! ... Raphael-san is quite ruthless. But with that fact, it would just be too cruel to send this one back. I guess I can accommodate one more subordinate. Besides, it would be good for us too since he looks really strong, also we can't let him become rebellious.

"Okay then! In that case, you're one of us now!" I announced

His head immediately shoots up, and joy spread across his face, "Oh! I am overwhelmed with gratitude, my Lady!"

"You can also call me by my name, you know." I suggested

"And that would be...?"

"Just call me Rimuru!"

"Ah, such a sublime sound upon my ears..." The Demon praises, looking at the sky in a short trance

Hm? He sounds like he just saw a heavenly figure.

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