Battle at Ingracia

626 31 9

Third Person POV

Pardofelis's ears twitched as she tried to listen to the situation outside the room that was borrowed for the Empire to keep Masayuki safe while Hinata and Testarossa tried to get a grip of the situation in a room on another floor.

"No good. There's so many people just running about, I can't tell what they are saying." She said with a sigh

"Sounds like a panic. There are many troubled thoughts, I'm having some problem keeping up with all of them." Su said with a small hum

Hua turns to Feiyun, who is focused on getting information on the situation as well, "... Anything?"

"... Mm... Something's happening in the capital... A riot? They look like prisoners." Feiyun muttered, her eyes closed in concentration, "... Their strength is at least Special Rank A, at least a hundred out there. They are the cause of the explosions."

"... It seems like Holy Knights are being deployed to the shelters." Su finally says after gaining the information

"Oh..." Feiyun muttered with a frown, "... The city's main square... I recognize that man..."

"Who is it?" Hua asks

"... Moss, you there?" Feiyun called as Moss appears from her shadow, "King Aegil has been killed. Inform your mistress and Hinata immediately. The culprits are at the city square."

Moss nods, "Understood. Thank you, Feiyun-dono."

Once he disappears, Feiyun opens her eyes and sighs, "... Now that should get his mistress out of his hair for a bit..."

"Did you give him the information on purpose?" Pardofelis asks

"Well... How do I say this?" Feiyun sighed heavily, "He's one overworked Demon, that's for sure. Testarossa is good at making him work."


"Did you read the entire situation then? King Aegil was killed?" Su asks

"Yeah. It was the work of Feldway and his crew. They are at the main square using Prince Elric and blaming Hinata for King Aegil's murder." Feiyun answered before thinking, "... I'm wondering if we should head over..."

"But if Feldway's there, then it might not be a good idea." Pardofelis said


Velgrynd calmly strode over to them in the middle of their discussion, "Have you found anything, Little Fei?"

Feiyun frowned at the nickname but held her tongue in favor of the situation at hand, "Yeah, it's pretty bad. Feldway and his group are at the city square. I'm sure Hinata and Testarossa are on their way by now."

"I see."

It didn't seem like Velgrynd was bothered by this fact. After all, Masayuki was all that mattered to her, though it seemed like Hua and Feiyun were just below him in her priority list.

"A nasty fight will probably be breaking out there. I should go out there as part of the Tempest executives, but I'm ordered to only provide support." Feiyun said with a sigh, "I wanna get out there and fight..."

"Ain't that a bad idea...?" Pardofelis muttered

"Please don't, Feiyun." Hua firmly said

Feiyun frowned but nodded, "Fine..."

"But if Feldway is here, then Michael might be where Big Sis Ellie is at. Isn't that bad?" Pardofelis said as she came to this realization, "The Demon Lord Leon was a bait!"

"Calm down. She probably knew that already, that's why she let me stay here. The situation in the other countries doesn't seem good either." Feiyun concluded

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