A Friend's Return

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Rimuru POV

As soon as I made it to the surface with teleportation, the sight of the gigantic Chaos Dragon was the first thing I saw. By estimate, it was about a hundred meters long.

"It's even larger than Charybdis... It's gaining that size by just absorbing the magicule in its surroundings."

Milim was using her own magicule pool to restrain the dragon and prevent it from attacking.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Milim!" I called out, flying over to her side

"There you are, Rimuru. I've been waiting for you! This is really frustrating for me because this here is my friend. I was trying to seal him but couldn't do it. If this were to continue, it would result in casualties... But I also can't kill my friend!" Milim shouted in frustration, most likely upset too

I know, it is your dear friend, after all. So I will help!

"I understand how you feel, Milim. I'll do something about it." I assured her, looking back at the dragon

Milim turned to me with shining eyes, "How reliable! What should I do then?"

Let's see... It has a great amount of magicule and by taking this into terms, my current body is lacking a little. I could use the PRI-ARM Domain of Ego to chip away at its strength if I hold back my own strength, but I don't want to accidentally harm its core. Milim could help out with that, so the most important job I need to do is...

"Milim, no matter how huge a monster is, it must have a core. Will you be able to use precision attacks to break apart its body until only the core is left?" I asked as she looked at me with hesitance in her eyes, "I'll assist you, don't worry!"

Right now its astral and spiritual body has been corrupted beyond repair, but the soul can be salvaged. I can see it... The little light that is fighting hard to preserve itself. Just wait a little longer.

"Abyss Flower."

I gripped the lance that appeared in front of me and pointed it at the Chaos Dragon.

"Abyssal Entanglement!"

Vines shot out of the Abyss Flower and wrapped around the Chaos Dragon, breaking down its physical body with the corroding effect of the Black Abyss. I made sure to hold back on the corroding effect to not harm the core.

"Please, Milim!" I turned to the girl with an assuring smile, "I'll be counting on you while I help your friend! Don't be afraid, I am here too! And so is your friend, he's fighting to be free too!"

Milim finally nods with a smile and sparkling eyes, "Okay, I have faith in you, Rimuru!"

I gave her my most reassuring smile and nod as well, putting my concentration on controlling the Abyss Flower's power and to not damage the core that contained the dragon's soul too badly.

I'm counting on you, Raphael-san!

<Understood. Leave it to me, my Master!>

"Then here I go, my friend! Watch carefully now, behold the brightness of all the stars of the galaxy! <Drago Buster>!"

As soon as she shouts the attack, a blinding light shoots out of her hands. The gigantic swirl of power went straight for the dragon and it countered with a barrier.

Found it! That's the source of its power! My magicules are draining a little much just maintaining control over Milim's attack and the Abyss Flower's power. Such a tough little one you are, Chaos Dragon! Now I just need to get rid of some of that evil spirit corrupting you... There you are!

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