The Delegation

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Rimuru POV

A few days later, I am in my residence with Milim, eating breakfast with her. 

"Thank you for the meal. There!" Milim starts standing up, "Now I am going off to work!"

"Wait, work?" I questioned as she begins moving out

"Do not worry. I will return when it is over."

I thanked Shuna for the meal and quickly followed Milim out of the residence as she went out the entrance of the town.

"Why? Does it have to be now?" I asked

"Yes! I am going to tell the other Demon Lords to not mess with this place." Milim replies

"Okay, but you'll be back soon, right?"

"Yeah, I promise!"

Milim changed her clothes in an instant. I quickly grabbed her hand before she could fly off.

"Be careful and don't get fooled!" I warned

"I won't! Don't worry about me!"

Still, I can't help but be worried...

Finally, I decided to use my powers to create a blue crystal flower, letting it float over to her. She looks at it before blinking in surprise, looking up at me.

"Rimuru, don't do that! You took this out of your skill! What if you need it?!"

"It doesn't take that much power out of my skill, especially since it's not often used. Keep it. When you finally keep your promise and return, you can give that back to me. So keep it safe for me, Milim. It'll remind you of me too when you look at it!" I grinned

"Rimuru... Mm, okay! I will make sure to take good care of it! I will be back!"

With that, she flew off into the skies and into the distance.

"There she goes..."

<Query. Was it wise to extract 5% of power from the Herrscher of Human:Ego? As Demon Lord Milim has mentioned, it would put you in more danger without it.>

It isn't like I would be using my Herrscher powers anyway. If there's a power I'll probably use more often, it would be the Signet of Ego instead. I've done this in the realm before anyway, so it isn't a problem!

I took a short stroll in the forest, wanting to put my mind at ease when I saw her in front of me before disappearing in a gust of wind. I removed the mask from my 'Stomach'.

I know, Shizue. I haven't forgotten about our promise. I have to start a search for those children.

"Master?" Ranga questions, peeking out of my shadow

"It's nothing. Let's go see the construction of the road to Blumund."



Three days went by and it was time for the delegation with Eurazania. Phobio came by two days before Milim left, being more polite, and delivered a letter from Demon Lord Carrion, where he wrote about having a delegation between our two nations to learn about the different arts and systems of both nations. I dressed in the formal attire Shuna had made for me in preparation to send our delegation party off.

"You look so good in it, Rimuru-sama!" Shuna squeals

"Beautiful!" Shion gleams

"Hehe! You two have been saying that ever since I tried it on!" I giggled

Today's formal attire was a navy blue short-sleeved dress with a skirt flowing down and past my knees. Embroidered beautifully on the chest of the dress was a pattern of a crystal flower threaded in gold. I wore a pair of blue heels, tying their laces around my ankles and Shuna slips a gold bracelet onto my left wrist while Shion ties my hair into a high ponytail with a small blue flower clipped on top of the hairband.

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