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Third Person POV

Minits walk through Floor 78 without any problems with his Unique Skill <Oppressor>, allowing him to use psychological oppression to physical compression. With this skill, all insects that came after him were crushed into a cloud of dust as long as they were within his field of vision.

"How brittle. They're too boring and unresponsive. I wish they would try harder."

Within a few hours, Minits was able to find the staircase, and using his leather bag, which was a high-end travel bag, he pulls out a freshly prepared meal and a set of bedding with a roof over it that could ward off evil spirits, drifting to sleep without a care in the world.


The next day, he stepped into Floor 79 with ease. The Silent Killer Wasps immediately attacked him but as long as he got a glimpse of them, he was able to destroy them with his skill.

"Well, these monsters here are no match for me either. How disappointing!"

Hearing his bold and arrogant talk, Apito became angry and came to the front herself.

"Human, how dare you say such a thing!" She growled under her breath

"Is that so? You're a bit too pushy, aren't you? To me, I don't see much of a difference between you and these insects..." Minits scoffed, trampling on the carcasses of the dead wasps on the ground

Apito's anger flared, "I am going to kill you."

"Just try it!"

The two clashed fiercely. Using his <Oppressor> once Apito was in his line of sight, she was immediately hit by heavy pressure, however...

"Too slow!"

What Minits shattered was just an afterimage of Apito. She had noticed the true nature of Minits's skill and how directional it was. She guessed that she could escape from the area of effect if she moved quickly enough, showing an incredible evasion.

"Fufufu, I was right. Do you think you can catch my movements?" 

Apito accelerated her movements and even with <Magic Perception>, Minits could not keep up with her movements to make an effective attack on her, but this only inspired him.

"Interesting. If that wasn't the case, the battle would be too boring!"

Minits released his abilities to the fullest and formed a forcefield around himself, stepping forward to block Apito's path. The passage of the labyrinth was five meters wide, so Apito had no choice but to fall back as trying to slip through Minits would only get her caught in his forcefield.

She clicked her tongue, "Damn, that's nasty."

"That's what I'm talking about!"

Apito's movements were sharp and refined due to her training with Hinata, she was even able to spar against the leader of the Holy Knights, but it would be meaningless if she couldn't get close to him. It was equally dangerous for her to stop moving as she would get caught by the interference wave.

"It was a bad idea to come out here. If I retreat to the Queen's room, I would be able to fly around more freely. I don't know how long this man's power will last, but the only way to find a chance is to go back."

A greedy pursuit for victory was Apito's basic policy, and there was no shame in running away. Thus, Apito decided to move back to the Queen's room. Minits did not mock or laugh at Apito when she did so, seeing it as a strategic retreat, and pursued her cautiously. He prioritized conserving his strength rather than pushing it too hard.

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