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Rimuru POV

Within the next few days, the announcement of our non-aggression pact was spread by the Lubelius Council, and surprise and confusion were abundant within the human nations, but the reality was sinking in. A new relationship between monsters and humans was slowly being formed.

With that out of the way, it's time for the preparations for the Founding Festival!

Rigurd had already begun writing and sending out invitations to nobles and royals of nations like Dwargon and Sarion. In the meantime, I decided to personally deliver some invitations since I wanted to speak to certain individuals face-to-face.

"What are you up to this time?" Mei asks in an unamused tone with crossed arms

"What do you mean, Mei?" I asked while wearing a cloak over my casual shirt and skirt, "I'm just going to be away for a few hours to meet some friends and give them invitations."

"For some reason, I feel insecure leaving you alone."

"Oh? Is Mei worried about me? Why would there be a need to? I'm a Demon Lord and a Herrscher! I can protect myself just fine!" I assured her, tugging on my cloak to make sure it fitted properly

She looks away from me in thought before sighing in resignation.

"Then I'll be honest with you. Let's hang out together as much as possible. That's what I want, at least, before I return. When I do return, I won't be able to indulge in moments of peace like this anymore. After all..." She looks at the floor with a saddened look in her eyes, "... This might be the last time we can talk like this."

"Mei..." I gaped at her honest words before smiling lightly, "... You really have grown so much. Alright, no need to be sad. You can come with me."

She looks back up at me, giving me a soft smile, "Thank you, Elysia."

I walked over to my office table and gave the reddish blue egg propped on an intricately built incubator a gentle caress.

"We'll be back later, Bella."

I feel a light pull on my hand, like something holding my hand through the shell of the egg.

This egg... It showed up in the Realm of Beginnings not long after the ceremony. I felt something odd in the realm through my core in the cathedral and went to check before finding this lying in a field of flowers. Through analysis, we found out that this was an incarnation of Kurikara, or rather, Bella, born inside the realm due to the energy residing in there. After Mei's transformation into the Herrscher of Origin, Bella must have finally been at peace, and now...

"She will surely be able to take my place in making sure you are safe. Now that she has a new Queen that she can protect, I'm sure she will be the happiest here." Mei giggles as I removed my hand

"Hm... I just wish for her to be able to forget the painful past and live happily from now on. She's going to be a Honkai Beast born into this world, and I want nothing but happiness for such a sweet girl." I turned to Mei and held out my hand, "Shall we?"


Without hesitation, Mei holds my hand and we teleport to an area near the gates of Blumund. After walking in, I navigated around and found the company building I was looking for.

"This way, Mei!"

"Wait. Is it a good idea to just barge in like that?" Mei asks with hesitance in her voice

"It's fine! The owner and I are great friends!"

With my assurance, we made our way inside the building as I greeted one of the servants, who seemed to be a little frozen in shock as we went past him. I was able to find the person I was looking for with <Universal Detect> and opened the doors to a small meeting room.

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